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Leaving on a Jetplane...Don't Know When I'll be back again...?? Helloi there!! This journal is for my friends and fam so they can track my progress across the globe. Even though you can't be with me, hopefully by reading my journal you can come along for the ride in some kind of weird internet sense...lol. Anyway I will try to update this as much as possible however those who know me best will probably find this is just a pipe dream!! Well I have the best of intentions at least to keep you all informed of my where-a-bouts, if only to make you sickly jealous and hopefully this might even get your butts on a jetplane and meet me somewhere that takes your fancy!! Here's hoping anyway!! Love you all and I will miss all your gutses terribly... meowfromkate xox

Gallery: I love Boston!

USA | Monday, 12 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 78 photos >>

Gallery: Sights of New York City

USA | Monday, 12 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

NYC landmarks
See all 96 photos >>

Gallery: Notre Dame, South Bend

USA | Wednesday, 31 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

Debauchery in the Bend
See all 152 photos >>

South Bend Slobbishness

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 31 Jan 2007 | Views [866]

Hi everyone, Well, you know it's been a while since you've updated your web page when you get an email from your mother stating such! Thanks mum for the memo... where would I be without you, love you!! lol ;-) So I just spent two weeks in South Bend, ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Gallery: New York, New York

USA | Thursday, 4 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

The Village, Downtown
See all 55 photos >>

Flight from Hell!!

USA | Sunday, 31 Dec 2006 | Views [689] | Comments [2]

Well you'll be pleased to know I arrived in New York safe...sound however is another story!! Half way through my flight to LA from Sydney I was struck down with a stomache bug and spent the rest of flight (still a good 6 hours) in the toilet projectile ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Hello Sydney!!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 28 Dec 2006 | Views [617]

Well I arrived in Sydney boxing day morning and caught the ferry across to Manly...this was beautiful although didn't waste time spreading out on the seats and catching a few winks..the red eye flight was exhausting and those economy seats aren't made ... Read more >

Tags: Family

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