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Leaving on a Jetplane...Don't Know When I'll be back again...?? Helloi there!! This journal is for my friends and fam so they can track my progress across the globe. Even though you can't be with me, hopefully by reading my journal you can come along for the ride in some kind of weird internet sense...lol. Anyway I will try to update this as much as possible however those who know me best will probably find this is just a pipe dream!! Well I have the best of intentions at least to keep you all informed of my where-a-bouts, if only to make you sickly jealous and hopefully this might even get your butts on a jetplane and meet me somewhere that takes your fancy!! Here's hoping anyway!! Love you all and I will miss all your gutses terribly... meowfromkate xox

South Bend Slobbishness

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 31 January 2007 | Views [902]

Hi everyone,

Well, you know it's been a while since you've updated your web page when you get an email from your mother stating such! Thanks mum for the memo... where would I be without you, love you!! lol ;-)

So I just spent two weeks in South Bend, Indiana visiting the Notre Dame campus and everyone who spent a semester or two with me at Port Lodge. The town of South Bend is, hmmm how do I put this...very interesting to say the least. It is not one of the most aesthetically pleasing towns I have ever seen but it does have a few good bars including some real SSSHHHHHITTTTY bars too (exhibit a, Club 23!!!).

Obviously this is how I spent most of my time in and around South Bend, drinking by night, recovering by day! To paint an elaborate picture, I arrived on a Sunday evening and headed straight to a bar called Finni's. One of the few bars in the Bend with a dance floor, which I quickly made use of after my 2nd jug (or pitcher as they say in america) of Bud Light. The second evening being a Monday involved my participation in an international keg race! This involves a team of 18 participants from different study abroad semesters all over the world. The aim is to drink a keg of beer in the fastest time(p.s. this is the most disgusting tasting beer I have ever tasted -exhibit b, Natty light). The third night involved a trip to the Mishawalka Brew Co. Much better beer here which made me feel much more at home (Aussie beer is definately missed by my taste buds thats for sure!!). Fourth night, Oyster Bar! The best bar South Bend has to offer, with three levels and a great cosy feel. Fifth night we hit the FEVERRRRR! This is a multi leveled club..the only club SB has to offer, and lucky for us it is pretty decent. Has a Harbourside feel almost. Not as many rooms but bigger more open dance floor which is always good for groovin the night away. Sixth night involved a party at Kim and Katies house whom I was staying with for the frist week. We had a keg on & one of the 7 other flatmates brothers came and played his guitar and sung all night long. Finally by the 7th night my head felt like a dropped pie & I was pretty much dead. Took the night off only to repeat the same bar scene the following week.

So that was my life in the Bend...drinking and recovering, drinking and recovering. It was really nice to catch up with everyone as this has been a long time in the planning to visit Notre Dame and all my friends there. Oh and the best thing was that I saw SNOW FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!! It was so cold in South Bend it was ridiculous!! I am talking negative 7 degrees celcius most nights. BRRRRRRRRRR! Not quite the warm sunny evening freo is offering this time of year! Oh I miss the days of lazing on South Beach working on my tan.

Well take care everyone and think of me freezing in this cold, cold weather. At least I am back on the east coast where it isn't quite snowing conditions, but almost. We had flurries here tonight in Connecticut where I am staying at my friend Cullens beach house. Yeah it sucks to look out over the deck every morning to the beach wishing it was warm enough to play in the waves....BOOOOOOOO!!

Until next time,

All my love,

Kate. xox

P.S. I promise I'll try not to leave it so long next time mum! :-)

Tags: Party time

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