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one step at a time-my life in a backpack Ok where to start? Well I'm 23 an aussie and after years of talking about doing this travel thing I have set off on my way. The idea is to see the uk and europe (highly original I know) But since I set out here I just don't know where to stop!! I believe the travel bug may just have bitten me! But really you only live once and why not see everything. Life should be about happiness and experiences not stress and misery! Well at least thats what I want!

French rivera-Monaco

MONACO | Tuesday, 3 April 2007 | Views [358]

We have now driven to Nice in the French Riviera. This place is kind of cool although the people could be a little nicer. I could see how this place use to be the spot but I am not sure if it was the people or the road works that ruined  this place for me. That night we went to Monaco for a go at a casino and some cocktails. However when we got there one of them had put on a show in the street for free. Me and Eloise decided to watch it was awesome. We than walked around the place it is kinda cool nice parks and cool shops. Best part was watching all the girls with the sugar daddies or mutton dressed as lamb. Good times..

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