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one step at a time-my life in a backpack Ok where to start? Well I'm 23 an aussie and after years of talking about doing this travel thing I have set off on my way. The idea is to see the uk and europe (highly original I know) But since I set out here I just don't know where to stop!! I believe the travel bug may just have bitten me! But really you only live once and why not see everything. Life should be about happiness and experiences not stress and misery! Well at least thats what I want!


TURKEY | Tuesday, 24 April 2007 | Views [790]

The day is here and we leave nice and early to get through the turkish border! After 4 hours we finaly get through the border and we are on our way. About 15 mins later our bus is pulled up and a fine had to paid for god knows what reason! We saw our first horse and cart kinda cool got a nice photo! We get to anzac cove at around 3 in the afternoon and no suprises it's packed but we make our way round and see the sights of lone pine, the bunkers and trenches, Kiwi memorial and the turkish. It feels soo amazing to be here and I am soo glad I have done this. I would love to keep doing this every year. It truely is a great honor. We spent the night camped out in the cove under the stars. It is a real experience. They have doc's and bands and news reports. The dawn service is amazing and words really don't do this justice but I will try.

After the service I met one of the soilders who like me is from perth from freo and it was really  nice to see some one from home.We then made our way up the hill that the anzacs took to lone pine. At the Aussie service and it was amazing. I know I use  that word way to much but no other word fits. I almost cried and I was soo proud and felt soo much love for my country and the people who gave their lives some as young as 14.

Then we did the trek to the turkish service. It was soo different to any of ours. There was colour, noise and soo much movement. I loved it soo much energy. The next stop was the kiwi service and this was cool too I really enjoyed it and at the end of the day I was pretty beat.

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