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Matt & Mercaders - The World Tour

Trip: Australia & NZ

There are [11] stories from my trip: Australia & NZ

Gallery: New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 29 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 16 photos >>

Gallery: Australia

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 29 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 15 photos >>

Ashburton & Christchurch

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 17 Jan 2009 | Views [1237]

Ross, an old family friend from Shropshire, moved to New Zealand a few years back so we decided to pay him and his girlfriend Ceci a visit. The campervan and us rolled into the agricultural heart of NZ, Ashburton, and into the curious world of Ross Appleby.... Read more >

Queenstown & Milford Sound

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 17 Jan 2009 | Views [1012] | Comments [1]

Queenstown We liked the atmosphere in Queenstown as soon as we arrived. It's really buzzing and busy at the same time as being quite quaint with cosy little pubs and cafes. One of the first things we did was book ourselves ... Read more >

Glaciers & Wanaka

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 17 Jan 2009 | Views [686]

Taking the winding road out of Akaroa we were soon into the countryside again. We were heading for Arthur's Pass, a road that weaves over the spine of NZ's mountain range and its assoicated ski fields. Blessed again with ludicrous views and perfect weather ... Read more >

Kaikoura & Akaroa

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 17 Jan 2009 | Views [3929] | Comments [1]

Kaikoura   We decided to make Kaikoura our first stop on the South Island. It sounded like a sweet little town and apparently we might see some seals. That was no lie. As we approached the town, I spotted a seal on the ... Read more >

Taupo & Wellington

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 17 Jan 2009 | Views [1198]

The journey to Taupo threw up a few surprises. On our way into the town of Tirau I noticed a new and impressive factory adorned with 'Corruagted Creations' signage. It was a big building and I couldn't imagine that there would be that much demand ... Read more >

Auckland & Bay of Islands

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 17 Jan 2009 | Views [788]

Auckland We arrived in New Zealand in the middle of a torrential downpour that didn't really stop all night. Already feeling slightly anxious about the campervan I had been talked into hiring for our three and a half weeks travelling through the country, ... Read more >

Sydney & The Blue Mountains

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 17 Jan 2009 | Views [891] | Comments [1]

We tried to take a budget flight from Byron Bay to Sydney but Australia had had a bit of rain and the runway had warped (Australias version of leaves on the line ?) so we were driven by bus to Surfers Paradise to get a replacement plane.... Read more >

Noosa & Byron Bay

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 16 Jan 2009 | Views [9688]

Noosa was a nice place. We stayed in a good hostel near a typically huge beach and ate at a restaurant that had these incredible lamb and mint pizzas (see Travel Notes: Incredible Food). It was a great place to hang out and get some beach time – ... Read more >

Great Barrier Reef & Whitsunday Islands

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 15 Jan 2009 | Views [1684] | Comments [2]

When we landed in Australia we had passed through Europe, survived Egypt, experienced India and explored Hong Kong – so it was quite odd arriving somewhere with no significant cultural or language differences from home. Which was a great relief.... Read more >