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Matt & Mercaders - The World Tour

Sydney & The Blue Mountains

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 17 January 2009 | Views [908] | Comments [1]

We tried to take a budget flight from Byron Bay to Sydney but Australia had had a bit of rain and the runway had warped (Australias version of leaves on the line?) so we were driven by bus to Surfers Paradise to get a replacement plane. We had some time to kill so we went for a little wander, Chloe even got a haircut.

My old mate Duncs picked Chloe and I up from Sydney airport. He and his wife, Claire, had moved to Sydney a few months previous – a sad loss for London not that you find them shedding any tears – and they were already lapping up the Aussie lifestyle i.e. hitting the beach after work, regular barbecues, a summer...

We had a great time staying with Duncs and Claire, it was great to see them for a start – the first familiar faces seen for 3 months – and they really looked after us. Duncs had a Huntsman spider, the big ones, in his garden. He calls it Fat Tony. We used to check on it every night. Duncs and Claire also got an official pet in the form of a puppy, called Winston, who was great fun to play around with.

Their house is in the Paddington area and located conveniently, for Duncs, between two pubs, The London & The Grand National. Its a nice neighbourhood close to Centennial Park which is typically Australian with its bizarre array wildlife. Its also a 10 minute drive to some of Sydney's finest beaches. So that's; pubs – tick; parks – tick; beaches – tick. Good work.

We had some other friends to catch up with in Sydney: Helen (uni mate) and Blair (school mate). One weird Sunday afternoon in The Grand National I called Helen to arrange to meet her and discovered that she not only lived on the same road as Duncs and Claire but opposite the pub. A few drinks later and Blair walks through the door. An amazing coincidence – we didn't even have to leave the street to see everyone. We met up with them a few times before we left Sydney and one each occasion it was great to see them. Andy and Vicky, from the Whitsunday Islands sailing trip, also live in Sydney and we shared a nice catch-up lunch with them too. All in all a very social Sydney.

We gave the city a good explore too. We ticked off all the main sights; went to the aquarium, did the bridge climb and walked the the coastal path with all its associated bays and beaches. We hired a car too and went out of town for a few days to see the Blue Mountains. We'd heard a lot of good things about them and they lived up to the hype. Awesome views into the canyon. Whilst there we did a trek along this path that was like walking onto the set of I'm a Celebrity... it was brilliant.

Before returning to Sydney we headed to Jenolan Caves, the world's largest limestone caves. I wont bore you with the details but if you're in the area make sure you pay them a visit. Back in Sydney we saw the latest Bond film and cooked Duncs and Claire a thank-you meal (spag bol – a bit too bacony if I remember correctly). We owe them a great deal for looking after us so well – they both put a lot of time and effort into making sure our time in Sydney was all it could be. And they succeeded, our time with them is a highlight of our travels. Hopefully, we can repay Duncs, Claire & Fat Tony the favour back in Chiswick.




Blants - was great seeing you and Chloe of course you are more than welcome in Sydney any time. You'll be glad to know most of our furtniture turned up the week after you left - great timing!!<br><br>You left left out the night you played air bass guitar in the paddington arms for about 3 hrs - everyone who knows Mr Blantern will know exactly how funny this would have been to see.<br><br>Blants & Chloe = Legends - hope the rest of your adventure is even better than what you've done so far.<br><br>Take care<br><br>Duncan

  duncan Mar 5, 2009 3:12 PM



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