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Maria & Brett's HUGE Trip 06-07-08-09-? ok, so the Socceroos lost in 'that' penalty against Italy; Adriatic summers aren't long enough (bliss!); and we found that you should never use the term "Eastern Bloc" when talking to a Czech (Central Europe, please).


Resting up at La Tertulia by Prinsengracht canal after walking about 7ks in convoluted circles around the spiral network of canals, and we could've continued for days and still not seen everything! What an amazing and colourful city.

NETHERLANDS | Tuesday, 4 July 2006 | Views [456]

Resting up at La Tertulia by Prinsengracht canal after walking about 7ks in convoluted circles around the spiral network of canals, and we could've continued for days and still not seen everything! What an amazing and colourful city.

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