About linidesign

elephant eye. i am in love with this picture . even so elephants are heavy and huge animals, they seem to be very sensitive, thoughtful and peaceful creatures. especially this one here shows a variety of emotions. from simply being, to thinking , to being sad. whatever you wanna feel or experience you will find in this picture.
hi i am melina ehrhardt. i am from germany.
to what i do. i am living life the way it is. the way it comes, in the moment. with happiness and love and all its beauty.
my job . i do a lot . i am a triathlete, performing artist, and a designer. i have studied sport and industrial design, was engaged and so on .
my life is about experiences and telling stories , about doing triathlons,. creating art in every way . singing , acting, dancing , designing . i design fashion out of recycling material, my line @me design and try to do everything i can to make this life worth living .my goal , living my dreams in the best way i can and creating a beautiful family one day. success will come along in living my dreams.