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Trip: China

There are [38] stories from my trip: China

Photos: Haikou

CHINA | Saturday, 4 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

China's proposed Hawaii
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Haikou, Hainan Province

CHINA | Saturday, 4 Dec 2010 | Views [702]

Time to up date again and yes, I'm late in doing this, but only by a couple of weeks.  Things have been very busy here at school as we nearing the end of the term and final exams are racing up. OK, the other weekend I ventured to Haikou, capital city ... Read more >

Tags: haikou

Photos: Xiamen

CHINA | Monday, 1 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

Fujian Province, China
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CHINA | Monday, 1 Nov 2010 | Views [669]

Well, I'm back and sorry for taking so long with checking in here and penning my latest happenings.  Life has been quite busy for me since last I wrote. K, for the October 1 Holidays I went to Xiamen, Fujian Province.  October 1 is China's National ... Read more >

Tags: xiamen

Moon Cakes

CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Sep 2010 | Views [407]

It's that time of the year again........Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional holiday which falls on the 15th day of the eighth month on the Chinese Lunar calendar and this year it will be held on a Wednesday.  To celebrate this, all here worship the ... Read more >

Tags: mid autumn festival

In memory of Tom Carroll

CHINA | Saturday, 4 Sep 2010 | Views [662]

Yesterday, I woke to find a very sad E mail in my box.  My very good, dear friend and colleague, "Aussie Tom", as known by us all here at Peizheng College passed away in Brisbane, Australia the previous night.   Tom was one of natures true ... Read more >

Photos: Shamian Island, Guangzhou

CHINA | Thursday, 26 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Tags: shamian island

At Journey's End........

CHINA | Thursday, 26 Aug 2010 | Views [401]

I am now back at Peizheng College as the new school term will begin from Monday, Aug 30. My last port of call during my holidays was Shamian Island, Guangzhou, where I aimed to relax and catch up on some much needed rest from all of my galavanting about.... Read more >

Photos: Beijing

CHINA | Saturday, 14 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

From Anzhen Road to Summer Palace
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CHINA | Wednesday, 11 Aug 2010 | Views [634]

After 6.5 years, I finally made it to Beijing, although I didn't get to see a lot of it. The weather was perfect on day 1, so much cooler than what I have been experiencing.  I met up with Farr, who use to work at my school and it was good seeing him ... Read more >

Photos: Shanghai Municipality

CHINA | Sunday, 8 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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CHINA | Thursday, 5 Aug 2010 | Views [485]

Nanjing is a city I do like here in China as it's not flat and all grey looking :-) I came here for 3 nights, mainly to catch up with another friend who was teaching a Summer camp. Once I had booked into the hotel, I went in search of my friend, but ... Read more >


CHINA | Thursday, 5 Aug 2010 | Views [542]

Latest update on my travels.  I left Hangzhou for Shanghai on the D train, which only took about an hour's travelling.  Shanghai hasn't really changed that much to me, just more and more new buildings. The hotel I stayed at was an experience that surprised ... Read more >

Photos: Nanchang/Hangzhou

CHINA | Friday, 30 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

Johnson, Nick, Ronan etc
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Nanchang and Hangzhou

CHINA | Friday, 30 Jul 2010 | Views [665]

My time spent in Nanchang, though short was very pleasant.  I managed to catch up with Johnson and young Nick, both of whom I have known for the last 5 years. On my second night there, we managed to demolish half a Mongolian BBQ Lamb and boy, have I ... Read more >

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