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Journey's End

USA | Sunday, 22 June 2008 | Views [337] | Comments [4]

4490 miles and 15 states.  I feel like the Rolling Stones.  I was in the car for 81 hours, used 226.9 gallons of regular unleaded and had a trip average 19.7 mpg.  I figure my gas cost was about $885.  I bought a dozen bags of ice, slept in three campgrounds and several Holiday Inn Expresses.  I had a great time with my son/sons. 

We had no accidents, no tickets and no regrets.  God is good.  I am thankful for a safe journey and great trip.  Thank you for your interest and comments.

Go!  Get out there.




What a great time! I had so much fun travelling along with you from the comfort of my living room arm chair or my desk! Where are we going next? And when?

What was your favorite and least favorite parts? How about a top ten list!

  Pamela Jun 23, 2008 9:51 PM


What a great trip!!!! I'm with Pamela. . .how about a top ten?

  alleen Jun 26, 2008 2:31 AM


The trip was not really the type that can be categorized into "a top 10" but, I can give you, from recollection, some of the highlights. Of course, just having an adventure with Crayton, would be at the top of any list; but here, in no particular order, are some highlights that come to mind.
1. Driving down Highway 59 in Powder River County, north of Broadus, Montana. Heading south and seeing the herds of horses below the ponderosa pines starting to fill the hillsides.
2. Driving up Highway 85, north of Belle Fourche, SD, into wide open spaces aand big sky, with buttes in the distance rising up like ships on the sea.
3. Driving through Custer State Park, SD, seeing the amazing wildlife, going up pigtail bridges and driving through single lane tunnels.
4. Afternoon breezes blowing through the cottonwood trees by the Little Missouri River at T. Roosevelt NP in North Dakota.
5. Peeking outside of your tent at 4:45 in the morning to see a 2000 pound bull bison grazing 10 feet away, and between your tent and your truck.
Those are a few of the memorable highlights.

  leebowie Jun 27, 2008 1:33 AM


Love the journals...now the pressure is on to keep it up on your other travels! I am glad yall are home safe and sound! Where are you going next???

  Melissa Abraham Jun 28, 2008 2:18 AM

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