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USA | Monday, 16 June 2008 | Views [252] | Comments [2]

I have fallen for the Black Hills. Yes, Crockett this is as good or better than BWCA. You will have to come with me sometime.

Crayton and I started off with a hearty breakfast from the 3 day old Holiday Inn Express in Custer. We then went to Jewel Cave Nat Monument. It is so pretty above ground but we decided to take the hour and a half cave tour known as the Scenic Tour. I tried to take pics but it is really dark in the cave even with some lights and a flash. The tour was fine and the cave is pretty amazing when you think about it. The temp was a damp 49 . After the tour we headed back into Custer for lunch at a local diner. Originally I had planned on going to Mt. Rushmore today but had changed my mind to go to Jewel Cave and Wind Cave and then do the faces on Monday; thinking it would be less crowded than a weekend and Father’s Day. But, after one cave, and the forecast on Monday with some rain, we decided to go to Rushmore today and save Wind Cave for Monday. We made a good decision. Rushmore was not crowded and the weather was stellar. When we got there in the early afternoon, the sun was shining brightly on the faces. Seeing it didn’t give me goose bumps but there was a certain welling up of national pride seeing these enormous faces of great presidents carved into granite. With the sun on them they looked like marble. We went to the movie about the sculpting. It was good; narrated by Tom Brokaw. The entire facility is very nice. Two visitor centers, the exhibit hall, several dining places and gift shops. I was impressed.

When we left Rushmore, we circled around Custer State Park to the entrance opposite Custer where we had spent the night before. What a great drive. We went through pigtail curves up wooden bridges; one lane tunnels where you have to blow your horm before entering to make sure no one is coming the other way; and absolutely gorgeous views in the Norbek refuge/Black Hills NF. Everyone should come here at least once.

Entering Custer SP, we drove back west towards our campground. The park has several different campground and loads of wildlife. We saw more bison; 7 bighorn sheep standing/sitting by the side of the road, mountain goats; wild burros; a wild turley crossing the road; and deer. When we got to our campsite at Stockade, I was unloading cooking gear and Crayton started setting up the tent when a doe walked into our campsite just a grazing away. I took some video as she meandered on down the hill.

Needless to say my slight frustration with not camping in the Grasslands last night has been erased. Crayton said that this place was 100x better. We made supper – Crayton cooked a can of ravioli on the stove and I made a small fire to cook some sausage. I cooked a box of Zatarans black beans and rice and enjoyed it with the sausage and bread. Yum-yum. Crayton shared the sausage with me. We then washed up and took a little walk around the campground. Lots of families camping. It made me think back to growing up and camping. I know we all get so busy but there is nothing quite like taking your kids camping. And if or when they get too old, take your grandkids.



You looked like a happy Father on Father's Day! You both need to have your faces up there. The pics are really nice. Where is the lake? It is so serene and beautiful looking. It does remind me though of the lake at Tula. What is the temp like day and night?

  Pamela Jun 17, 2008 4:26 AM


You know Tom Brokaw is from SD

  teri Jun 17, 2008 9:29 AM

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