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The Tales of a Pisspot and a Worrywort!

We No Longer Smell Mint, We Smell Mojito!

SPAIN | Monday, 29 August 2011 | Views [400] | Comments [1]

Spain: AMAZING! So we made it from cold London to beautifully hot and sunny Spain, and have been loving every minute since. We flew into Madrid and jumped on the Metro, with no English intepretation we were starting to think we wouldnt make it! And then we were walking down the typical streets of Spain, narrow, cobbles and brightly coloured walls, not to mention the graffiti and nothing seemed to be open, siesta maybe? We arrived at our hostel, checked in and then went for a wander getting completely lost, which is surprisingly fun! It had then become apparent that Spain is a night owl with the streets coming alive at around 9:00pm, and you wonder where all these mysterious people appeared from! Then it was our first taste of authentic sangria... delicious!!! And once again we were back on a bus heading for our next destination, Sevilla.

Sevilla, as we have been told countless amount of times is one of the hottest places in Spain, fortunately for us it is unseasonally cool there... 38 degrees! 10 degrees cooler than last year! Sevilla greeted us with beautiful architecture and some of the nicest streets to get lost in. If there is one thing we suggest you do in Spain it is getting lost! We found little cafes, fountains, cathedrals and plenty of pigeons. That night we jumped into a bar crawl which took us to flamenco, lots of sangria and an open air night club which was packed for a wednesday night, finally making it home at 5:00am. We also learnt that night that it is acceptable to park people in so long as you leave your handbrake off so they can roll your car out of the way! After a sleep in and some more wandering the streets (we had our bearings now, so no more getting lost) we heading onto a history walking tour with our rather animated tour guide. I think we were meant to learn something but Im pretty sure it was information overload. We did get to see the biggest cathedral in Europe, the Alacazabar (aka fort), walked through beautiful gardens, watched people play with the fountains and witnessed the almagamation of various religions in the architecture.

The next day it was back on yet another bus! This time heading for the beach! Arrived in Malaga, not as pretty as Sevilla but it has a beach, so cant really complain! Couldnt check in straight away at our hostel so it was off for some more wandering and yes getting lost! Enjoyed some tapas and then it was off to soak up some sun. Now we wouldnt say the beach had sand, more of the gravel type but the water was refreshingly cool and the sun hot! We wandered back and decided to eat cheap and buy our own food from the markets. Standing there an European guy walks up to me with something in his hand and starts speaking to me in his best Spanish accent: Uh excusi miss, uh elnamo in espanol? Pointing to the object he was holding. I reply in my strong Australian accent: Apple? Much to his embarresment and fits of giggles from his friends! Hilarious!

Malaga proved to be a wonderful place to relax with some tapas and sangria, this was followed by an impromptu bar crawl with out hostel manager. Starting at 1:00am we were given a wonderful guide of the town by night, free entry, free shots and killer hangovers the next day. The best thing is you can sleep in to all hours since nothing is open anyway! We decided to play the tourist, although everyone here seems to think we are spanish (still no idea why). We headed for the 1st Century BC Roman theatre.. amazing and the Alacazabar, wandering throught the fort, up turrets and through pretty gardens, although why they need gardens in a fort is unknown. Then more beach, more sun and for Ray more of a lack of bikini tops! Back to the hostel for a siesta, LOVING the siesta, and then another night out with our manager and the realisation that we no longer go hey that smells like mint, rather its mmmm can you smell the mojito!

Waking up early for our bus the next day was not appreciated! Then off to Granada!





Hey guys,
Sounds like you're having a great time.
We're fine, got your postcard which was lovely. Oliver is doing well, having progressed to saying 'f*cking sh*t' when he hurt himself the other day. When I told him that wasn't a nice thing to say he responded with 'but I'm a big boy now, I'm allowed to say that'. Morgan is good too, starting to add words when she chatters away and yells at everyone. "Harry" is her latest word which she yells at everyone on a regular basis while waving her arms in the general direction of the dogs. She is currently trying to lie on my computer and is highly offended that I wont let her. Matt is good too, as am I. Christoph and Roberta are doing well but have stopped humping on such a regular basis - the move must have inspired them for a couple of weeks.
Missing you,
Lots of love,
Jill, Matt, Oliver, Morgan, Harry, Molly, Christoph and Roberta (Red Fish swam away in the toilet several weeks ago).

  Jill Aug 30, 2011 5:24 PM

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