are you for real? so, two months ago when i got my itinerary i checked to make sure all my flights had enough time between them and that i had aisle seats. but they wendy, QLN´s travel agent (hopefully not by choice) changed my flights. here´s the break-down:
Depart Charlotte 7:30 am
Arrive Chicago 8:38 am (in a seat yet to be assigned)
Depart Chicago 12:01 pm
Arrive Tokyo 3:05 pm...note that there is a time difference. this is a 13 hour flight and i am in the middle seat of a 5 seat row. you know, that person everyone feels bad for but doesn´t want to trade with. i bought two seasons of M*A*S*H* on DVD to help me through it.
Depart Tokyo 5:50 pm
Arrive Singapore 11:55 pm, a seven hour flight, rounding the whole trip out, including layovers, at 29 hours.
i really wish i lived on the west coast right now. but i don't, so i started reading tips on how to endure long flights. they all suggest a window or aisle. thanks guys. i am, however, packing my own snacks (to avoid salty airline food), bringing a change of clothes, toiletries, portable DVD player, aforementioned M*A*S*H* (i just love Alan Alda) Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal, Love in the Time of Cholera, iPod with many podcasts of This American Life (ditto the Alan Alda sentiment with Ira Glass), etc, etc. please leave any suggestions. really.
and finally, before i go, know that this blog should be getting much more interesting, seeing as how i'm actually leaving!