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the balance if you don't know where you're going, any path will take you there. and what a good place it has taken me.


USA | Wednesday, 6 Jan 2010 | Views [489]

I'm only halfway done moving and I already want to be done with it.  No, no, no, not moving back from Spain (that happened in September, woops, must have forgotten to tell you.)  This move is from my parents' home in Fort Mill, SC to Norfolk, VA where ... Read more >

Gallery: semana santa

ITALY | Sunday, 19 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 201 photos >>

Gallery: france avec mon amie

FRANCE | Monday, 13 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 50 photos >>

Gallery: poland

USA | Monday, 13 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 27 photos >>

holidays (written january 10, i forgot to upload)

SPAIN | Friday, 6 Mar 2009 | Views [544]

Holidays.  I like the holidays.  Which is strange, because if you ask me during the holidays, I´ll say ¨I hate the holidays.¨ They stress me out, make me feel alone, etc.  But THIS holiday season was a great one.  I had a laid-back Christmas Eve and Christmas, ... Read more >

starbucks (written january 10, i forgot to upload)

SPAIN | Friday, 6 Mar 2009 | Views [467]

There are serious amounts of fluffy, white snow falling in Madrid.  I, blissfully unaware of the snow, left my house with no gloves and no hat and upon closing my front door, realized that not only was it snowing…but I had left my keys inside!  And my ... Read more >

why living in el centro is better than not

SPAIN | Monday, 2 Mar 2009 | Views [472]

-at least 2 metro lines pass by your flat -there are things open and sundays and holidays -good restaurants -dance classes (http://www.centroelhorno.com/), art classes, languages classes, you name it -always a lot of people out -bars -discotecas ... Read more >

thoughts (complaints) on jogging in a large city

USA | Tuesday, 17 Feb 2009 | Views [514]

after being stuck in bed for 3.5 days (the other .5 was on the couch), i couldn´t wait to get outside and be active.  this morning i woke up and took advantage of the 40 degree weather and sunshine and went for a jog.  the first one in a loooong while.... Read more >

Tags: exercise, urban life

san valentín y tal

USA | Sunday, 15 Feb 2009 | Views [462]

i am happy to anounce that madrid has just the right amount of valentine´s day sickening-ness.  it´s nowhere near as commercialized here as it is in the US, so that´s refreshing.  i´ve spent the whole week sick in bed, so i wasn´t able to give my little ... Read more >


USA | Sunday, 15 Feb 2009 | Views [442]

i went to berlin in mid-january to visist two friends from ecuador who live there, marlis and barbara, and had a great time. berlin was amazing, a huge city full of art and history.  i only spent two full days there, so i didn´t even make a dent in what ... Read more >

Gallery: brrrrlin

GERMANY | Monday, 9 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 71 photos >>

Gallery: i don´t speak catalán

SPAIN | Tuesday, 13 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 94 photos >>

Gallery: feliz natal

SPAIN | Tuesday, 13 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 8 photos >>

Gallery: snow

SPAIN | Friday, 26 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 14 photos >>

feliz natal!

SPAIN | Friday, 26 Dec 2008 | Views [523]

that´s merry christmas in portuguese.  i had the good fortune to spend christmas eve in good company at marcio and alexs´ house with some good friends and some new ones, as well! we ate a feast!  we each brought things...i brought mum´s lasagna, YUM.... Read more >


USA | Friday, 26 Dec 2008 | Views [486]

to celebrate vacation, i went to navacerrada, up in the mountains, with some friends.  the pictures are under ¨snow.¨ it´s me, alexs, marcio´s brother junior, and marcio´s greek friend antonia. we spent a great day escaping madrid, enjoying the snow, ... Read more >

Gallery: land of guinness

IRELAND | Wednesday, 10 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 13 photos >>

Gallery: stranger in a strange land

IRELAND | Wednesday, 10 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 98 photos >>


USA | Tuesday, 2 Dec 2008 | Views [398]

i took a day trip to toledo this weekend, but am, unfortunately, too lazy to write about it.  i did, however, add pictures under ¨toledo.¨ best.

Gallery: toledo

SPAIN | Tuesday, 2 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 44 photos >>

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