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Parting Gift from Delhi: Round II Delhi Belly

INDIA | Sunday, 6 May 2007 | Views [853]

Darrin, fully confident with his braggable accomplishment of not having fallen ill to the city spoils, is stricken with the stomach bug during the wee hours of the morning, and I come down with it a couple of days later (delayed reaction as I had already had some antibodies built up from the last round of Cipro).  So much for the infamous Haryali kebabs.  We've now nearly exhausted all of our Cipro supply, just in time for a stock up in Bangkok- as pharmaceuticals are plentiful and no prescriptions are needed there (as is the case in most of Asia).  It was all pretty poor timing, however, for a  long flight from Delhi to Hong Kong.  At 4:30 am we traipse over sleeping bodies of hotel staff on the cool cement hotel floor, to make our way to our airport transfer.  En route, we pass by a local bus that has broken down on the side of the road, a ton of backpackers quickly grabbing their gear for the remaining 20K walk to the airport.  Glad we opted not to take the cheap transport option this morning.  By 6:00 am we were checking in, and by 7:00 am we had cleared the departure hurdles an well on our way for our new adventure in Hong Kong.

Tags: Misadventures



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