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Glacial Camping

CHILE | Wednesday, 9 January 2008 | Views [2285]

Here we stand, among the clouds, sun, sprinkles of rain and wind, gazing out from our tent at the most amazing blue glacial lake watching icebergs float by.  The ground is freezing cold, our rented mats the thickness of a cheap yoga mat, and our sleeping bags suitable for keeping warm on a starry summer night out in the desert.  In Nepal we were spoiled with our -10 degree celsius brand new down sleeping bags, and here we've left it to the fate of what the refugios have.  Darrin opens his sleeping bag, only to find someone's dirty stinky buff - well, at least it wasn't a pair of underwear!  He's actually quite stoked on his $25 find, but gets a bit bummed out by the smell of the bag.

The views trekking the short four hours to the glacier are amazing, starting with the bus ride and across the lake on the catamaran.  The sky, with just a few clouds, was dark blue, we can see the sprawling mountains before us, and sneak peeks of the Torres as we drive in.  The boat ride is clear and cold, but fabulous views of the canyons between the glaciers and mountains where we'll be in just another days time.  The trail ascends through a narrow valley up to Lago Grey, a minty green colored lake.  As we pass the two hour mark we find ourselves gazing out in awe at chunks of icebergs floating by, blue ice, ad we imagined how cold it would be to swim here.  Just around the corner views open up to the magnificent Grey Glacier, and we head off the trail to find a great little picnic spot for lunch.  Just past the refugio after four hours into the hike we scramble up brown and orange rocks jutting out into the lake for the most breathtaking views of the glacier.  

Back at camp we set our dry packs in our tent and make up our home for the night. We are so fortunate to have dry wether most of the day, and while it's raining now, we've lucked out and have two sets of dry clothes.  We arrived at camp just in time to place our order for dinner, and head into the hut for a bit of heat from the wood burning stove, and eat up the not so tasty roast beast and instant cup 'o soup dinner that we paid $36 for between the two of us.  We really just wanted a cup of hot water to drink, but it's not included with our pricey dinner, imagine that.  Oh well, it's been an amazing day, we're dry and are full from dinner, ready for a night out in the wilderness by our glacier-side canvas casa.  Buen Noche!



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