Good Irish Beer to Cure the Pain
PERU | Monday, 26 November 2007 | Views [1084]
We've opted to head out of Peru and toward Bolivia in one days time. Ever since our mugging in Ecuador, we haven't felt at ease, and Peru is one place where we're continually bombarded with stories about violent attacks on tourists. There are several scams one needs to be aware of and prepared for, traveling in this part of the world. Most recently in Cusco, muggers have preyed on couples, arriving at the bus station. Several people have reported to get into a taxi, which proceeds to take them down a back street and then pull over, while other banditos get into the car, start beating and blindfold the couple. They are taken to a deserted building where the banditos take all their belongings and then extract their pin numbers for ATM and credit cards, and proceed to drain their accounts. The couple is instructed not to resist or the female will be raped in front of the male. Other scams involve having urine, eggs or some other nasty substance dumped on you as you are caught off guard - on a street, in a market, etc... while you look to evaluate what's been dumped on you, someone slashes your bag and steals your valuables. This happened to one of the guys from our trek, but luckily the thieves didn't make off with much from him, but just ruined his day pack and his local market experience. Another type of mugging to be aware of is the "choke and grab" muggings where someone comes up behind you and tackles you by the neck, cutting off your air supply to cause you to pass out. They then relieve you of your personal position you are carrying.
For our last night out in Cusco, we met up with our fellow Inca Trail trekking friends for some good beers at a local Irish pub. We're all sore from the four days of trekking, and this is a sweet reward. Very suiting for all those in our group from Ireland. We were also able to meet up with our friends Valerie and Bas who were passing through Cusco en route to Arequipa. We enjoyed last laughs and drinks with our friends, before parting ways and heading to Bolivia tomorrow.
Tags: Adventures