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India.. . . My travels through India and teaching adventure in Lucknow

Tourists in the mist

INDIA | Tuesday, 2 Aug 2011 | Views [303]

Picture it: a beautiful lake in the foothills of the Himalayas.  The lake is surrounding by brightly painted homes situated in the hills and every so often groups of prayer flags stretch across bits of the hill.  Do you have it in your mind?  Then ... Read more >

On Tourism in Lucknow

INDIA | Saturday, 30 Jul 2011 | Views [747]

Well as my time in Lucknow draws to a close I find it difficult to reflect on the amazing time I have had here.   The teachers at Vidyasthali asked me what I liked about Licknow and what comes to the forefront is the unending kindness I have ... Read more >

Trains to Temples

INDIA | Friday, 22 Jul 2011 | Views [843]

So trains in India are an experience in and of themselves.   We arrived on the platform of the Lucknow stations well ahead of schedule and waited for the Bareli Express to Varanasi well past the scheduled departure time.   That ... Read more >

Kebabs not Shish

INDIA | Tuesday, 19 Jul 2011 | Views [1131]

Chowk is this intense market place/bazaar in Aminabad in “Old Lucknow.”   Anand, Vikas, and Shibani took me there the other night.   Its kind of like taking people that visit New York to Times Square, but actually cool.   It was a Thursday ... Read more >

Just try to blend in. . .

INDIA | Saturday, 16 Jul 2011 | Views [4658]

Sunday Anand took me around the city.   The “real” part in his words.    We scootered over to Hazrat Gunj which is a large street lined with shops.   The shops run the gammet, from Puma and Coffee Day (Indian Starbucks) to tiny hole in the wall ... Read more >

Rickshaws and Water Buffaloes

INDIA | Friday, 15 Jul 2011 | Views [974]

Urvashi was out of town this weekend which meant I needed to fend for myself in terms of transportation to and from school.   Which translates into pedal rickshaws and auto rickshaws.   A pedal rickshaw is basically a tricycle with a little ... Read more >

Photos: India

INDIA | Friday, 15 Jul 2011 | Photo Gallery

photos from India
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INDIA | Friday, 15 Jul 2011 | Views [859]

So on Wednesday, Urvashi needed to go to the village school, Vidyasthali,   to meet with some parents who are local mango farmers and some business professors from the University of Lucknow.   They are trying to organize a collective between the ... Read more >

Red Eyes

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 30 Jun 2011 | Views [308]

So I have one red eye down and one more to go.  Normally I am fine with this but today red eye is a term to be taken literally.  I am writing bleary eyed at this computer screen in an effort to start my travel blog.  As most of you know I have already ... Read more >

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