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Europe or BUST I am going to Iceland for 21 days on a volunteer expedition in east Iceland, actually. I will be donating my time to do organic farming with my workcamp. After that I will be on my own to backpack around Europe. Feel free to send me messages !

About kreydatus

In Iceland. Photo by: Luca Maccioni : September 2009

In Iceland. Photo by: Luca Maccioni : September 2009

I am a free spirited vagabond born and raised in Auburn, NY. I am a composer, musician, pianist, artist, aspiring yogi, and above all, a jack of all trades. I have lived in Boston for 5 years, all of which had it's ups and downs, but mostly ups.  Now after 5 years I have downsized and sold most of all of my belongings and I will be backpacking Europe for the month of September 2009 and partially October 2009, but who knows how long I will be gone for. If you would like to learn more about me please visit my website(s).  I am 28 years old. Thank you.

homesite: web.me.com/kreydatus

myspace: www.myspace.com/itfray

My Travel Map: