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Gallery: japanese hotel room

JAPAN | Thursday, 20 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Rubber stamps!

JAPAN | Thursday, 20 Aug 2009 | Views [772]

If you will be traveling to Japan with children (or are just a big kid yourself) I would suggest bringing a plain notebook or buy one when you get here. I found out near the end of trip that in nearly every castle or other places to visit, there is a ... Read more >

Gallery: sushi

JAPAN | Tuesday, 18 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Faux pas to avoid when eating sushi

JAPAN | Tuesday, 18 Aug 2009 | Views [1059]

If you would like to have an entertaining meal in Japan, I would suggest stopping in at a sushi family restaurant. It is a friendly place where all the staff yells out hello and goodbye every time a patron either enters or leaves the establishment.... Read more >

Gallery: Tokushima Festival

JAPAN | Friday, 14 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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JAPAN | Friday, 14 Aug 2009 | Views [933] | Comments [2]

  Since I involuntarily volunteered to test the Bolivian medical system, JN so kindly decided to take a turn and test the local system on this trip.     I knew something was wrong when I spotted a taxi slowly ... Read more >

Tokushima Festival

JAPAN | Friday, 14 Aug 2009 | Views [895] | Comments [1]

When we were looking into coming to Japan at the end of July, I was in charge of the packing, JN was in charge of finding lodgings. As we have done during our long trips to Australia and San Francisco, JN organized home exchanges for us. For those of ... Read more >

Gallery: Pikachu!

JAPAN | Sunday, 9 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: day trip to Tokyo

JAPAN | Sunday, 9 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: first day in Nagoya

JAPAN | Saturday, 8 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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First day in Nagoya

JAPAN | Saturday, 8 Aug 2009 | Views [829]

L was very kind to make us a packed lunch for our trip to Nagoya. JN was brilliant in navigating through the bus/subway/train system to get us to our destination. We are now staying at V’s place in Nagoya. This is her first home exchange ... Read more >

Gallery: Pokémon!

JAPAN | Saturday, 8 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

SB is crazy about Pokémon. So I will post here all the pictures of Pikachu et whatnot that we see during our trip
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Gallery: Best meal ever!

JAPAN | Saturday, 8 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: trip to Nagoya

JAPAN | Friday, 7 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Osaka Aquarium

JAPAN | Friday, 7 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Osaka

JAPAN | Friday, 7 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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FRANCE | Friday, 7 Aug 2009 | Views [640] | Comments [3]

One word to say about Osaka in August, hot. Hot when you wake up, hot when you get out of the shower, hot when you get dressed, and all this before 7h30 AM. Add to this that I was told that the Japanese think that we smell, I have been putting multi-... Read more >

Arrival in Osaka

JAPAN | Monday, 3 Aug 2009 | Views [871]

  The flight to Osaka went well, I was hardly disturbed at all by all the intensive coloring that was going on beside me. Only it was not SB doing the coloring, we did not get seats together, but two teenage Japanese girls who were intently working ... Read more >

Tags: arrival

Packing our suitcases

JAPAN | Friday, 31 Jul 2009 | Views [743]

“Mommy, I am tired of having cereal for breakfast,” said SB as he sat slumped over his bowl and I was trying to pack suitcases before rushing off to work. “Uh, I think in about two weeks you will be wishing for that bowl of cereal,” I answered. We are ... Read more >

Tags: japan, leaving, packing

Gallery: Brusso's

BOLIVIA | Wednesday, 12 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

La Paz, Bolivia
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