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Everywhere and Everywhere else Who says that the adventure stops once you have kids?

"No problem"

BOLIVIA | Thursday, 1 Nov 2007 | Views [507]

  As it is typical to do when planning the perfect family vacation, I googled the security low-down on the place we are about to visit. (funny, I don’t remember doing this the last time we went to Disneyland….) Mind you, the government websites I ... Read more >

Tags: the planning phase

Vaccinations and Medications

BOLIVIA | Wednesday, 31 Oct 2007 | Views [495]

The illusion of the immortality of youth … oh, how I miss it. Long gone are the days that I could swing my backpack over my shoulder and take off insouciantly for foreign destinations. Twenty year ago I poured over the “where to” sections of guide books ... Read more >

Tags: the planning phase

Altitude sickness

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Views [431]

La Paz : either you step off the plane and admire the magnificent view or you crumple to a heap and have to be scrapped off the tarmac. It turns out that La Paz is the highest capital in the world at an altitude of 3,600 meters (11,811 feet) and something ... Read more >

Tags: the planning phase

Goût de Luxe

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Views [355]

JN will say that I have developed “le goût de luxe” or in other words, the "need of luxuries" over the years in terms of our travel accommodations. I retort that after 30, I don't want to share a bathroom anymore. Being gently woken by a voice ... Read more >

Tags: the planning phase

J-7 Do we still have it in us?

BOLIVIA | Monday, 29 Oct 2007 | Views [374]

Like the Far Side cartoon with the two old ladies debating if they are going to pickup the one-handed, patched eyed hitchhiker holding a sign that says “anywhere,” when either JN or I start to waffle about going on this trip, we would challenge the other ... Read more >

Tags: the planning phase

Road trip to Cordes sur ciel

FRANCE | Sunday, 28 Oct 2007 | Views [463]

Seven days and counting until we leave for Bolivia and what better way to prepare than go on a road trip! On the last Sunday in October, the family got in the car and hit the road. Originally our destination was the town of Roquefort, but a little ... Read more >

Tags: on the road

Getting ready for our trip!

FRANCE | Sunday, 28 Oct 2007 | Views [474]

Who is getting married?  Our wonderful neighbor from our last move, Christiane, call to say that her son was getting married and would we like to come to the wedding? Weddings, we love weddings! Turns out the wedding would be in La Paz, Bolivia!   ... Read more >

Tags: the planning phase

Gallery: Australia

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 28 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

Our trip back in 2004
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Gallery: Cordes sur ciel

FRANCE | Sunday, 28 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

road trip
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Gallery: Valais, Switzerland

SWITZERLAND | Saturday, 26 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

The most beautiful place in the world!
See all 10 photos >>

Gallery: Amish,Northern Indiana USA

USA | Monday, 2 May 2005 | Photo Gallery

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