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Freedom veiled in tradition? Being a woman in South Asia

INDIA | Monday, 22 Jul 2013 | Views [1671]

On September 19 1893 New Zealand became the first self-governing country in the world to give women the vote. We have a proud tradition of woman’s suffrage, and a society (for all its faults) that still values equality. I am no feminist but having ... Read more >

Tags: bangladesh, forts, india, jaipur, jaisalamer, women

Photos: India - the golden triangle

INDIA | Monday, 22 Jul 2013 | Photo Gallery

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If you don’t laugh you’ll cry: things that amuse me about Dhaka

BANGLADESH | Saturday, 15 Jun 2013 | Views [2493] | Comments [1]

After a week in beautiful, sleepy-green Chandpur, returning to Dhaka is an assault on the senses. As the ferry approaches the city, the first thing to hit you is the smell rising up from the water… a sulphurous, putrid mix of chemical and organic ... Read more >

Tags: bangladesh, dhaka, transport

Bangladesh: beauty in humble places

BANGLADESH | Saturday, 4 May 2013 | Views [1101]

I arrived in Dhaka on Easter Sunday – a day of resurrection and new life. I had risen before dawn that morning – 4am to be precise – and, as my yellow taxi wound through almost empty Kolkata streets towards the airport, I wondered what ... Read more >

Tags: bangladesh, dhaka, school

Photos: Bangladesh

BANGLADESH | Saturday, 4 May 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Apni kotaY thaken? Ami KolkataY thaki!

INDIA | Friday, 15 Mar 2013 | Views [1558] | Comments [3]

Where do you stay? I stay in Kolkata! So I’ve been in Kolkata for a month & a half now – not so much travelling as learning to stay put and live in a totally foreign culture. The good, the bad and the crazy? Well this is India so ... Read more >

Tags: calcutta, freeset, india, kolkata, street life

Photos: Kolkata & Darjeeling

INDIA | Monday, 11 Mar 2013 | Photo Gallery

Two months in Kolkata staying with my friend Pip & helping out at Freeset. Kolkata is so crazy, colourful, infuriating and full of joy & life. I love this place :) Escaped to the hills for a few nights in Darjeeling - clean air, great nepalese food & ... Read more >
See all 136 photos >>

Photos: Kalasin, Thailand

THAILAND | Monday, 11 Mar 2013 | Photo Gallery

Five days visiting Kiwis working in the north of Thailand - a nice break from travel & a great window into cross cultural mission in S.E. Asia (Feb 2013)
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Cambodia: on my own, but not alone

CAMBODIA | Monday, 11 Feb 2013 | Views [4220]

You are never too old for firsts. I am relatively well travelled, but until now I have never really travelled on my own. It was something that I needed to know that I could do. Sitting at the riverfront in Phnom Penh on my last night in Cambodia I had ... Read more >

Tags: battambang, cambodia, kompong thom, phnom penh, siem reap, temples, world vision

Photos: Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Monday, 11 Feb 2013 | Photo Gallery

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10 Lessons from my travels so far:

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 24 Jan 2013 | Views [470]

The best way to get across the road is to just go… step out and let the motorbikes do the dodging. (Cars, on the other hand must be treated with a little more respect. Cars do not dodge. Sleep is good. Preferably 8 hours in a nice quiet, ... Read more >

Tags: lessons, travel

Vietnam Part 2: North to South

VIETNAM | Monday, 21 Jan 2013 | Views [847]

Four days into my time in Cambodia, it seems a bit backward to be writing about Vietnam, but for the sake of continuity, and for those who are not following me on facebook, there are still details to be filled in. So I will attempt a brief tour through ... Read more >

Tags: food, train, vietnam

Vietnam part 1: a snapshot

VIETNAM | Thursday, 17 Jan 2013 | Views [1170] | Comments [1]

Eleven days ago I arrived in Hanoi, capital of Vietnam. Travelling with a Gecko’s tour group by train, bus, boat, taxi and bike, we went from cold to boiling hot, north to south: Hanoi, Hue, Hoi An, Na Trang, Saigon and Ben Tre. It has been a whirl-... Read more >

Tags: hanoi, history, ho chi minh, people, vietnam, worship

Photos: Vietnam

VIETNAM | Thursday, 17 Jan 2013 | Photo Gallery

Gecko's tour of Vietnam, January 2013
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Out of my head and into the air

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 7 Jan 2013 | Views [501]

These things are all very well on paper aren’t they? But it doesn’t matter how many travel guides you read, how much research and planning you do, how much you imagine the adventure, it is all just grand intentions until you actually step ... Read more >

Tags: home, leaving, transit

Best laid plans

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 2 Jan 2013 | Views [527]

Only three sleeps now till I take off on my year of adventure! Months in the planning, this trip will be unlike any of the travel I’ve done before. For a start, I will be on my own for the first month in South East Asia, and then again in Europe.... Read more >

Prequel: an introvert abroad

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 5 Oct 2012 | Views [708]

A prequel – because, while I haven’t boarded the plane yet, the journey has already begun… Being an introvert, I tend to live in two spheres; my inner life of thoughts and ideas, and my outer life of experiences, actions and relationships.... Read more >

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