We had a very slow morning at camp, relaxing in our hammocks & leaving at the leisurely time of 8am.
The walk back to El Mamey wasn't too strenuous, just hot & uphill. That said because we were taking our time to get back we stopped for a good hour to swim in a beautiful little water hole. The perfect way to break up the journey!
Once back in the village we had lunch, a celebratory beer & were back in Santa Marta around 4pm.
Becky & I checked in at a hostel planning to so life admin from the comfort of their couches. Unfortunately the net wasn't working so we headed out to find at least a cafe with wifi. On the way we ran into Cesar, he was exactly the same as on the trek & was trying to procure more work for himself as a translator. Funny guy, totally dodgy though.
We were exhausted & settled back at the old favourite the Welcome Restaurant for dinner. While we didn't get hugged repeatedly by the staff this time we spent our meal being stared at by the other customers, all old Colombian men. Quite the spectacle are two white chicks out for dinner at a local shop in Santa Marta on a Tuesday we were. It was still a nice night & we turned in early deciding we would mission to Minca for a few days, opting for some more mountain time.