My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited
China | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | 5 photos
Where I come from, if you did okay at school you’d be expected to take a corporate job & live in an office cubicle. Not doing so would be almost unthinkable. I’ve followed this path, lived with certainty yes, but also never allowed myself to want anything that truly inspired me.
One awe-inspiring backpacking trip later, I uncovered a deep-seated desire to capture & share unexpected beauty in everyday life, in the most normal of things. I started street photography during my leisure trips with friends, & learnt to capture precious moments before they vanished in a split second.
I’ve travelled across various locations in the West & Asia; off-the-beaten-path locations in Central Asia, Southeast Asia & India inspire me lots. I can see myself loving backpacking in Oman.
For me this is a chance to break free & do what I truly love, whatever inspires me. To believe that dreams can turn into reality. To prove to everyone around me that I can.
My photos reflect a simple emotion, but hopefully a heartening one. People in big cities seldom experience simple joys like this, but let this be a reminder there is more to life than what surrounds us everyday.
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