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Weekend Antics and Seoul

SOUTH KOREA | Tuesday, 29 January 2008 | Views [1302] | Comments [1]

Me outside the Changdeokgung Palace

Me outside the Changdeokgung Palace

Hello everyone sorry about leaving it longer than usual for a new entry been quite busy. Last week me and some of my friends went to our regular bar called NOW bar which is usually where all the English speaking people meet up. On of my friends went a bit over the top with the Soju and Beer and we had to crash at a friends nearby. She got up and went walk about in the middle of the night leaving her bag, phone, money and shoes in our friends flat. After 4 hours we managed to fins out where she was but was a scary couple of hours. Anyway after that bad experience I taught for the next couple of days at the school and went back to the Now bar. We got the Twister board out and had a tournament in the middle of the bar- this would never happen in an English bar so much fun. There were a couple of dirty cheaters who reduced themselves to pushing the rest of us to win but was a laugh trying. We went on to another bar up the road called Pavoks that does a fire show behind the bar. A guy twirled a baton on fire and juggled a bottle that was on fire…AMAZING!

Anyway on Saturday Night I went out for Golbi Pork (the BBQ stuff-look at photo album of Seoul) Was yummy. On Sunday I went for my first proper day trip here to the capital Seoul. I went with Mike the American from my school that has been to Seould before so he knew about how the trains worked etc. Before the Journey I got something a lot like an Oyster card that you can electronically charge with money through a machine and just swipe it in front of a machine when changing lines at a train or subway station. I can also use it when I get on a bus and if I change and use other buses within the hour I can get that journey for free. Anyway we made our way to Seoul and had a wander round the oldest road in Seoul that has an antiques market and a couple of plazas. One of the Plaza had these things called wish trees on the ground floor that Korean people would write wishes or dreams on a piece of card and tie it to one of the branches with some ribbon. Later on we went to one of the 5 palaces that are dotted around Seoul. We went to the most recommended Chengdeokgung Palace. It was soo strange because they are set on the edge of the city but there were still lots of multistory apartments and business complex dotted around the outside of these ancient grounds. Photos of the palace are in the album, with some cool facts about it. You are only allowed to go around the palace on a guided tour which I was quite happy with because I wanted to learn about the history of the palace. In the summer you can roam around freely but you have to pay extra for that. I would love to visit again in the summer as this palace has a huge ‘secret garden’ but I imagine in the summer it would be beautiful but it was just a bit creepy in the winter with the frozen ponds, bare trees and bare grounds. Have a butchers at the new photos i'm sure you’ll find some of them interesting. Anyway gotta go to work speak soon.xxxxxxxx


Oh P.S. I have and address if anyone would like it please email me ykickacow@hotmail.com if you would like to know it and I also have a mobile number if for any reason you would like to get in touch that way.

Tags: Sightseeing



I see the beautiful palace has 7 dragons on the roof - I know that means it is the most important and sacred building! It certainly looks it! Lovely photo.
Sending love
Mum xxxxxxxxxx

  Mum Jan 30, 2008 5:44 AM



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