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Summer Adventure

South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA | Sunday, 29 Jun 2014 | Views [468] | Comments [1]

It's my last day at the school and I feel very satisfied with the time I've spent here. I loved working with the kids and getting to know them outside of school also. I feel I was a pretty good teacher. It took awhile for me and the kids to get used ... Read more >

Tags: bye kenya, cape town, muizenberg, south africa, southbound

Last Kenya Journal

KENYA | Saturday, 14 Jun 2014 | Views [483]

For the past two days I've been on a tour. The first day we went to a slum named KCC. We walked through the slum and then visited with a group of ladies that started a women's group there that promotes women empowerment. The ladies also make jewelry ... Read more >

June 11

KENYA | Thursday, 12 Jun 2014 | Views [495] | Comments [4]

I'm starting to catch a cold because the weather changes so much here. It's really cold in the morning and at night and it's really hot during the day. Today, Tuesday, I've been feeling really weak so I'm hoping that I'll get better by the end of the ... Read more >

Week Two

KENYA | Thursday, 12 Jun 2014 | Views [493]

I'm only able to journal once a week, because there is no electricity or wifi at the home or school I am at. Because I can only write once a week, my journals will be very long. I'm journaling every night and putting them all together in this journal ... Read more >

June 1

KENYA | Monday, 2 Jun 2014 | Views [842] | Comments [5]

Hi everybody! We (my cousin, Nakia, and I) arrived in Kenya today around 7am Kenya time. The local time here is 8 hours ahead of Texas time.  The flights were good other than being delayed in D.C. and missing our flight in Doha. Our flights ... Read more >

Tags: africa, kenya, maasai, nairobi

Photos: Kenya

KENYA | Sunday, 1 Jun 2014 | Photo Gallery

Volunteering and exploring
See all 50 photos >>

September 13

SOUTH AFRICA | Thursday, 19 Sep 2013 | Views [626]

My last week was so perfect. I left with no regrets. The assistant teacher took me on a walk through the township. We left school and went to hang clothes on the line at one of the other teacher's house and then we walked to a McDonald's that's right ... Read more >

Tags: cape town, capricorn, childcare, dreams to reality, dtr, muizenberg, south africa, surf, teach, volunteer

September 4

SOUTH AFRICA | Thursday, 5 Sep 2013 | Views [513] | Comments [1]

We weren't able to take the kids to the aquarium so I'm going to pay Lorenzo's school fees for one year. I was told it's R280 a month which is $28 which comes out to $555 for the entire year. I have a great relationship with the teachers in my room ... Read more >

Tags: cape town, capricorn, muizenberg, south africa, sunrise

August 30

SOUTH AFRICA | Friday, 30 Aug 2013 | Views [552] | Comments [2]

Today was Kristen's (the volunteer I work with) last day. Just watching her hugging everyone one last time and crying made me realize this trip has had a major effect on me and it's going to be so hard to leave. I've fallen in love with my kids and ... Read more >

August 22

SOUTH AFRICA | Thursday, 22 Aug 2013 | Views [419] | Comments [3]

  I wasn't able to get to a place with wifi yesterday so these will be posts from Wednesday and today, Thursday.    Yesterday:   So today I helped with the "soup kitchen" we do here every Wednesday to feed the people ... Read more >

August 15

SOUTH AFRICA | Friday, 16 Aug 2013 | Views [474] | Comments [2]

Today was the best day I've had in the classroom! The teachers were extra giddy and loved the kids so much! It may have been because we only had half of the class too. It's been raining the entire week but this morning was really bad so a lot of the ... Read more >

Tags: capetown, safari, south africa

August 12

SOUTH AFRICA | Monday, 12 Aug 2013 | Views [641] | Comments [1]

  I'm experiencing so much that journaling once a week isn't possible, so I'll be posting 3 times a week.    This past weekend was great. Here they celebrate Women's Day (which I love) so all of the schools were closed on Friday.... Read more >

Tags: africa, children, mandela, robben island, school, south africa, sunrise, tour

Week One

SOUTH AFRICA | Thursday, 8 Aug 2013 | Views [692] | Comments [2]

This trip has been amazing so far. I'm volunteering with an organization called Dreams to Reality. The organization benefits children and families who live in the local townships. The township is a very poor area that consists of shanties. Shanties ... Read more >

Tags: africa, capetown, cold, muizenberg, rain, south africa, teach, volunteer, wet, winter

Photos: South Africa and Dubai

SOUTH AFRICA | Friday, 2 Aug 2013 | Photo Gallery

Volunteering and exploring
See all 74 photos >>

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