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The world and beyond - reflections of a dharma nomad


FRANCE | Wednesday, 1 October 2008 | Views [620]

Here is something I wrote for the Shambhala Europe newsletter:

see www.shambhala-europe.org

My impressions of summer since the Gesar Festival have been of flowers: the wisteria dripping purple blossoms for almost a month before fading and beginning to take over the porch with virulent green tentacles; then roses rising into their full summer glory, the ones on the corner of the Bureau smelling so exquisite that some afternoons you just had to go out and inhale them.  And just as the roses wilted the katalpa tree bloomed in thousands of orchid-like flowers and exuded its heavenly scent.  Now the hedgerows are wild with bracken and brambles, and the hydrangeas are falling over themselves in glory.  There have been countless other delights of summer and that is before mentioning the dharma which of course blossoms here.  June was blissfully quiet, dotted with a few small groups: of meditation beginners; a Level Five mostly from Paris; and a dedicated group of Fire Puja folk who appeared dripping with sweat and covered in ash from the aptly name Fire Puja barn while the rest of us enjoyed the heat wave by heading off to swim in the river at every opportunity.

Then came the Warriors, full of lungta and great gentleness - 50 practitioners, coming from across Europe and a few from across the Altlantic.  They brought a cooler ten days of mellow poetry reading and much laughter and song from their 'uplifted dinners'. And everyone dressed up to go down to the Shrine tent (renamed the 'Shining tent' by the young Ukrainian girl practicing her English) in the afternoon for the excellent talks.

Now Dechen Choling is absorbed in Family Camp, rolling with children and skateboards and wild energy.  There are the Kyudo team in black and white down under the trees by the new Azuchi, happy to have a sandy bank to aim their arrows at.  No more scuffling in the hay to search for them.  Yesterday there was a fire and lhasang under the Kami tree and Kanjuro Shibata Sensei, 20th bow maker to the emperor of Japan, with his XX cap on, led a ceremony to purify the energy and bring blessings to the new Kyudo building.  The old rope from around the Kami tree was burnt to release any negativities: like skimming the scum off the top of a soup he said.  And the first ceremonial shot was fired by Alex wearing a spectacular purple silk outfit and curved purple hat.  The whole of Family Camp joined in the ceremony and all the children sat in awed silence while he prepared the arrows, drew the bow and released. We were all in the spell of his concentration, and for a moment let go of mind. We have the blessed presence of Shibata Sensei for at least another week and so far the weather forecast looks settled and fine and the 10th Kami renewal ceremony will be on Tuesday.  



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