1. Merrel hiking shoes - without a doubt the best buy of the trip. I have used them for walking streets in Hong Kong, the Great Wall in China, and Trekking in north Thailand. They have prevented cobras biting my ankles and broken glass cutting my toes.
2. Earplugs - they have prvented mozzies keeping me up as well as equally annoying ravers at 4am.
3. Fleece - used as a pillow in every country, even the hot ones at night.
4. Large Travel towel - absorbtion is amazing -capable of sucking up a small ocean. It fits into a tiny bag, can be used on the beach or as a towel in all circumastances. Dries very quickly too.
5. My Canon Camera - has kept me sane when alone.
6. Notepad and pen - no better way of writing your feelings as you experience them.
7. Rucksack - is mine a rucksack? Maybe not. It has wheels, it has straps inside and a day pack which I have used extensively.
8. Trousers that unzip to make shorts - Never had them off. Lightweight, comfortable with loads of pockets you will need.
9. Leather Mulberry wash bag. Everyone needs comforts.
10. Tiger balm. Relief from the enemies that bite in the evening. I used thios frequently in Thailand and Cambodia on mozzie and bed bug bites. Only problem is that they are attracted back by the smell! bugger!