KENYA | Thursday, 12 Mar 2009 | Views [1142] | Comments [5]
I made it to Nairobi. My first mode of transport was a rickety overcrowded bus from Addis Ababa to the border town of Moyale, Ethiopia. It's a two day bus ride and 4 hours into day one an axle fell of the bus. Yep, in the middle of nowhere, Africa.... Read more >
Tags: addis ababa, ethiopia, isiolo, kenya, lorry, moyale, nairobi
ETHIOPIA | Tuesday, 17 Feb 2009 | Views [2883] | Comments [6]
The internet is incredibly slow here, so I'm going to have to bunch together a couple different places at a time. And for now, no chance for pics. Sorry. I spent my first few days in Addis Ababa figuring out how transportation works here. A two day ... Read more >
Tags: addis ababa, bahir dar, ethiopia, gorgora, lake tana, lake tana ferry
YEMEN | Sunday, 8 Feb 2009 | Views [634]
I broke down and bought a plane ticket. I had my heart set on going through the Gulf of Aden on a wooden fishing dhow. It was all set but as it turns out the guy who was supposed to arrange it for me sits upon a throne of lies. Oh well, I fly to Addis ... Read more >
Tags: addis ababa, aden, ethiopia, sailboat, yemen