It's only been just over a week since I've been here but I'm adjusting pretty quickly to life. It really doesn't seem as different being here than being home. I don't feel like I'm on the other side of world anyway.
I still haven't had the chance to drive but hopefully that will be sometime soon. My brain will have relearn as everything is on the other side of the road than home. I don't want to make a right turn into the wrong side of traffic!
The last week has been pretty busy and my main mission has been finding a job. I'm lucky to say that I found one!! and already went in for a few hours today. I am working at Gloria Jeans coffee in Wangaratta. I dropped resumes off to several places in town just in hopes something would come along and sure enough I got a phone call Friday afternoon asking to come and meet the owner on 730am :/. I made it on time and things went well and I have 3 more shifts this week. I am very happy to have a of course, and something for me to do.
I am still looking for more professional work while I'm at Gloria Jeans. I actualy went for an interview at NESAY, a community-based youth organization, this past thursday. It went well and I at least got to meet with them and have something formal in writing about me. NESAY is having some shifting between programs at the moment and will know of openings in the next few weeks. If my qualifications match they will give me a call.
I also just had a call this morning about another position interview with a women's domestic violence center. I will have that next monday. SO there is work and I am trying to find anything I can. Since my visa limits me to working no more than 6 months in one place I will always keep an eye out for something I can do.
Otherwise things are pretty good. It is different to not know very many people, but I'm trying to get to know Dane's friends and start to make some of my own. I definately miss you all and just the comfort of knowing my surroundings at home. But that was to be expected. Like I started it has only been 10 days since I've been here so things will come in time.
More to come after my first week of work and more interviews...