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THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF JESS & DAN back on the road again...

to turkey.

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 2 February 2009 | Views [505] | Comments [4]

dear all,

i feel a little rusty at this journal writing thing, I know its only been a month since we went to edinburgh.but edinburgh was still scotand and the uk, and although it was exciting,it feels totally different writing about somewhere like turkey where everything is different and turning every corner is exciting.

first day impressions, i love istanbul and turkey. Although the journey here was long..5 min bus,half hour wait,30 min train,20 min wait,1 hour train, 6 hour wait,1 hour flight,2 hour wait,3 hour flight,customs,20 min taxi and then finally we were in the heart of istanbul in the sultanahmet district (i remember it cz it reminds me of sultanas).the long journey was definately worth it. We flew with KLM "the flying dutchman" which was a nice change to cheap easyjet or ryanair.."what! a free drink and meal is included in the price!!..even a beer!!"...would definately fly KLM again, they were lovely and flights were cheap.

Were in a 6 bed dorm, at the moment there are only 4 of us, two americans and me and dan.the guy is really friendly, works in cairo,gave us lots of tips and info for going to egypt.

we arrived at 2.30am,and slept like logs and then continued to sleep through our free breakfast.We woke and the weather was sunny, warm compared to scotland (i think it was around 15 degrees) and generally looked gorgeous.we got out to take some photos, the hagia sofia,blue mosque and the topkapi palace are all a 5 minute walk away. It was relaxing to stop and admire the amazing the blue mosque at our own pace,as the crazy tour buses unloaded shuffled everyone along like cattle and then shoved them back on the bus.

The people are lovely, we were walking towards the topkapi palace in front of a small group of students and a girl at the end turned around giggled a little and then offered us a biscuit. We've asked for directions and everyone we have spoken to has helped with a smile, and then offered us a small tulip shaped glass of turkish apple tea, which tastes like warm apple juice but it is really tasty.

We spent a big chunk of today at the Topkapi Palace (the equivalent of buckhingham palace for the turkish). Between 1461-1856 the Turkish sultants have occupied the palace. Its a maze of buildings, schools, libraries, treasuries, circumcision rooms and courtyards that overlook the bosphorus, a huge body of water that separates istanbul. The treasuries housed amazing jewels including a gold cradle, a 86 carat tear drop diamond the size of a small apple and many other jewel encrusted treasures. There was also a room very popular with the islam followers that housed several artefacts and remains of the prophets muhammed and John, including beard, hand and piece of skull. It also housed parts of the kaaba which is a islam pilgrimage site in Mecca. Visiting the palace, and Turkey in general, has given Dan and I an interesting look into Islam,and already a new understanding...and we've only been here a day!

tonight were going to see the Dervish whirlers..I'll explain tomorrow once we have witnessed it for ourselves. 

Hope all is well, dan and I are having a great time.

Love jess xo  



Hi Jess and Dan nice to hear from you again glad you are enjoying your holiday note there are photos will look at them when i have answered the blog thanks for the birthday card which eventually arived Gma is explaing what happened to it in a letter for it is a long story have a really good holiday and see everything our love to you and Dan Gpa and Gma xoxox

  valand mick Feb 2, 2009 10:53 AM


Hi strangers it has been awhile but I am glad to hear the pair of you are having a great time and a break from the caravan park. Turkey should be interesting and certainly different from Scotland. Hope you have a wonderful day on the 5th Jess and you get to celebrate Turkish style. What do they drink there? Look forward to the next instalment. Love always Bassos.

  Gai Basso Feb 2, 2009 3:49 PM


i do love it how you've casually slipped in the part about the circumcision room in between treasuries and courtyards...very smooth!!
sounds like a nice change from the monotony of the caravan park office!!

  Lauren Feb 2, 2009 4:14 PM


Hi jess and dan its so nice to read the blog again and catch up on all your travels. Turkey looks amazing, the blue mosque especially looked fascinating. Its nice to see you both without coats, it must feel good to not have to wear one for a few days.
Have you tried real Turkish delight yet? What other gourmet delights will you try this time; I'm looking forward to hearing all about your favourite pastime lol.
Weather is cooler at the moment, even had a little rain. Everyone is back at school so the new year has really began now !!!!
Lots of love to you both, love you. Love Mum, Dad, Luke and Bec xxxxxxxooooooo

  Mum Feb 2, 2009 10:43 PM



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