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THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF JESS & DAN back on the road again...

Faskally part 2...

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 22 July 2008 | Views [753] | Comments [5]

Dear all,

I cant write about all the fantastic places weve been for the last 2 weeks because we havnt been anywhere, so this entry is going to be slightly more boring then any previous.

Our stove got smashed last night..gene from new Zealand opened up his cupboard which is above the stove and a bottle of oil fell from it and dropped onto the glass on top and but a hole in the glass, and because all the wires are exposed and theres bits of glass everywhere we cant use it anymore…and because we all eat a lot of pasta, soups, curries anything easy and quick to cook, were going to be a little stuck this week..but we still have a microwave!hooray. Damn new Zealanders.

This morning I was in the café. At night theres the bar from 6pm-11.30ish, meals are served from 6pm-9pm, and then the café is open from 10am-2pm. I was in the café by myself which means I was waitress, chef and cleaner all in one. Luckily it wasn’t too buzy, I made bacon rolls, hamburgers and cups of tea. Today (Wednesday) I have the afternoon off because im in the bar tonight from 6-11.30ish depending on how quick me and amy can boot people out of the bar and then clean up. The bar is fun, a few tips, strangely dan gets the most tips out of everyone..but theyre all from old men..strange..dan must be winking at them..susan from Newcastle doubts his sexuality. Today dan was on AM from 9am-1pm, I think he was concreting and then an hour for lunch and back concreting from 2-5pm. Dans other jobs include whipper snippering, moving vans, rubbish etc. We all do toilets, bar and cleaning caravans. Amy and I do pool attending and shop more then dan.

The shop has the hugest lolly chocolate section ever..its really bad because staff get 10percent off and the selection is huge so it would be rude to not try them all! The little kids at the park love the shop, they come in with pocket money and spend it all on lollies, toy guns and icy poles. Not that the weather is that hot, I would liken a Scottish summer to an australian autumn coming into winter.but with a lot more rain. The forecast for the weekend is rain and 16 today and more torrential rain and 15 tomorrow..lovely. Its beautiful when the sun is out, but when its not it can get a little chilly.

Pitlochry is near an army base, so during the day at least 5 fighter jets scream overhead..everyday, and they’re not just little flecks in the sky, theyre so low we can see details. Have also seen helicopters and a huge carrier plane. Dan loves it.

We have our own rooms..mine and dans is a nice lilac colour, it use to grannys room (the business and park have been family owned for generations and they only just moved out of the park to a house down the road, but granny dies) anyway, granny was going blind so above the bed is a light, not just any light though, its an outdoor strength light, its blinding and feels like im getting a suntan just sitting under it, so it kinda works like a heat lamp!thanks granny. Our room has its own sink and mirror, and the toilet and shower are just down the hallway.

Im getting good at cleaning toilets too, there are three toilet blocks, the biggest is in the tent field with around 20 toilets and 6 showers, the scrubbing part isn’t fun but theres a hose to wash down the floors and showers and the first time I think I got more water on myself then the floor, at least it was clean water, well some of it was I duck squirted the urinals and then washed them out with the hose but didn’t consider the shape of the urinal and the water swilled around and came straight back at me…lovely.

Cleaning cabins isn’t too bad, as long as you can find the cabin, I wondered the park looking for cabin 9. When I finally asked someone they turned the key up the other way so that it was cabin 6 instead. 6 and 9 are so sneaky. The kitchens all get wiped down, toilets and showers cleaned, visitors have to bring their own linen which is great because we don’t have to make beds, wipe the floors, vacuum and if the visitors were particularly stinky quickly run around spraying air freshener then quickly shut the door and leave the nice smelliness inside…and some cabins really stink, cant work out why some smell worse then others. Anything we find in the cabins we find we can keep..we’ve drunk a bottle of southern and another of archers that we found, today I found cup-a-soup, hand wash and some dishwashing detergent. Last week found some butter, icecreams, oil and some winnie the pool towels that I decided not to keep..along with the mens jocks I found as well.

Hope all is well at home and everyone enjoyed their holidays.

Love jess xoxo



Hi Amy, Jess & Dan,

Jess you have missed your calling you need to be writing books, funny one's at that, people in the office keep asking me what I'm laughing at!!

Love the cleaning Amy I'm expecting great things for our toilets when you get back!!!!

The place reminds me of the old Butlins holiday camps and sounds great, the weather though sounds terrible.

Received your photos today for Sarah's 21st (who took them for you? do they think your mad Aussies)
You all look fit and happy Stay safe. Luv Mum xxxx

  joy Jul 22, 2008 11:44 AM


Hi everyone, glad to hear all is well except for the toilets and the weather!!!! Seems that alcohol just follows you around and such nice people leave it behind for you. Have fun. Love Bassos

  Bassos Jul 22, 2008 4:13 PM


Hi Jess something to read when you can get back on line again it was nice to hear from you we think of you all the time now we get a better picture of you knowing what you do was interested to read of the Royal Air Force jets flyin over from the near by base Dan must have an interest like I have having served in the force you seem to be enjoying your selves have you learnt not to get wet now Jess comes with experience in fact the experience you get should help you when you look for jobs down south keep up the good work in all the different jobs you do really proud of you all in what you do so till next time we hear from you all our love to Amy Dan and you Jess xoxoxo

  val and mick Jul 23, 2008 8:51 AM


Hi kids,
I know I spoke to you last night but I have managed to get a dodgy computer here at the resort we are staying at in Alice Springs, Same resort we stayed at 8 years ago. At least I can catch up on your blog. We are so proud of you guys and I bet you will leave a lasting impression on the people you are working for one way or the other. So happy that you are enjoying it there. We are having a ball. In Alice at the moment to refuel, restock, relax before we head down throught the Simpsom to Birdsville. Getting cars checked and repaired...Garry has electrical problems and Dallas has a ruptured fuel tank just like we did. Thank god for RACV as they have supplied us all with hire cars when we needed them. The only car to not need anything done is Alex's old dinosaur the Landrover...damn. Anyway you guys stay well and we love heaps. Mum and Dad. xxx

  Tina Jul 23, 2008 4:50 PM


Hey Guys!

Great to hear you've all settled in over there! Sounds like you're having lotsa fun! And yes Jess; Joy is right, you SHOULD be writing books! Very well written! hehe. I can imagine you guys just as its been written, hehe - especially the hosing of the urinals Jess and the 6vs9 confusion! hehe funny stuff - They're the sort of moments that happen to all of us, yet most don't divulge to others! ;)

The weather doesn't sound the best, but it's a damn sight better than here at the moment! -2 in Coldstream tonight! brrr! Anywho, enjoy the sun; you're in Scotland - you can't ask for much from the weather MacGods!

I'm pretty boring over here, with tha girlfriend as WELL as 3 of my great buddies overseas! - Just workin at tha hospital, and playin a bit more tennis which is all going good! Looking foward to seeing Lauren again thats fa shiz tho!

Anyways, all the best, and I look foward to your next blog!


  James Jul 23, 2008 7:21 PM



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