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Travelling light(ish) - Ho Chi Minh City to Kuala Lumpur and a bit inbetween

Over and Out

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 10 Aug 2010 | Views [357]

Back in the UK now after 2 flights accompanied by lots of films and some very good inflight meals (Indian airlines are definitely the way to travel for tasty plane food!)  Nice to be home and reunited with a good mug of tea but it was an amazing trip ... Read more >

Surfs Up

INDONESIA | Thursday, 5 Aug 2010 | Views [375]

Atlast back in the presence of a good internet connection I can write about the last couple of weeks without fear that after it's all written it won't just disappear into an error message . . . So after Ubud we arrived on the Gili Islands off of Lombok ... Read more >

Dawn Climbing

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Views [444]

Now writing from Bali where we arrived about a week ago.  Headed straight for the beach going over to an Island called Nusa Lembongan.  Really loved it there as it was like the Bali I imagined but thought probably didn't exist anymore.  Had hindu temples ... Read more >

Bike Ride in Melaka

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Views [667]

Spent our last few Malaysian days in Melaka, spending most of the time being entertained by Howard our hyperactive hostel owner who saw it as his responsibility that his guests were occupied at all times.  On our first night this involved taking us on ... Read more >

Photos: Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 11 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 18 photos >>

Into the Wild

MALAYSIA | Friday, 9 Jul 2010 | Views [421]

Once we enough food had been sampled in Georgetown we took a ferry and a bus over to Kota Bharu, right in the North East of Malaysia.  The best that I can say about it here was that it was a good taste of an authentic Malaysian town without all the tourist ... Read more >

To the Tropical West

MALAYSIA | Friday, 25 Jun 2010 | Views [454]

Now writing this in not so hot but very humid Malaysia.  After one more day in Siem Reap we flew out of their very luxurious airport and into Kuala Lumpur - KL.  In comparison to Cambodia KL was like stepping right back into the Western World, a really ... Read more >

Photos: Laos - most photogenic country ever??

LAOS | Monday, 21 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 31 photos >>

Angkor Wat

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 15 Jun 2010 | Views [357] | Comments [1]

One night bus later and we had left not so sunny Sihanoukville for Siem Reap - home of Angkor Wat.  I think this deserves its own blog entry as it was as amazing everyone said it would be there. Before we went I thought it was just one huge temple but ... Read more >

Photos: A few photos (hopefully)

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 9 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 23 photos >>

4000 (?) Islands

LAOS | Wednesday, 9 Jun 2010 | Views [578]

Thanks to the day befores journey it took quite a lot of will power to make ourselves head for the bus station the next day for another journey into the depths of the Laos countryside - this time a place called the Bolaven Plateau - but we had  the guide ... Read more >

And the rain begins . . .

LAOS | Tuesday, 25 May 2010 | Views [561] | Comments [2]

Will attempt to rewrite all I have just written before it was rudely wiped by a power cut brought on by the third monsoon thunderstorm we have had in 24 hours.  At last it looks like the rainy season has begun after what was apparently a freakishly hot ... Read more >

The Rustic North

LAOS | Wednesday, 19 May 2010 | Views [436] | Comments [1]

After 5 days we managed to drag ourselves away from the air conditioned bakeries etc of Luang Prabang and went to catch a bus up to a village in the north.  It turned out this was a bit optimistic of us and the 'bus' was two benches and a little cab ... Read more >

In to the Hills and down to the Bay

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 12 May 2010 | Views [600] | Comments [1]

Sapa - Descending into the mountains via very luxurious night train did not prepare us for hard core trek from the mountain town Sapa into the hill tribe villages, but the effort was worth it for amazing views of mountains and all the hundreds of rice ... Read more >

From A to B - the Vietnamese way

VIETNAM | Sunday, 2 May 2010 | Views [473] | Comments [2]

 Having been a little neglectful with keeping up to date with the blog I will now attempt to sum up the two journeys and 3 cities since I last wrote. The first city Hoi An was beautiful, exactly how I pictured 1800s Oriental cities courtesy of the ... Read more >

Lesson in travelling light number one

VIETNAM | Saturday, 24 Apr 2010 | Views [495] | Comments [1]

Via beautiful mountain roads we left Dalat for Nha Trang for a few days which this time did exactly what they said on the guide book - provided the perfect battery recharging beach spot.  Thinking that we should make the effort to see a bit of the area ... Read more >

Retreat to the mountains??

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 20 Apr 2010 | Views [497] | Comments [3]

With a slight sigh of relief and a three hour bus journey we arrived in Ho Chi Minh City's polar opposite - Mui Ne - almost deserted beaches, quiet bars and bungalow huts right on the beach.  So we settled down for a couple of days of sunbathing and ... Read more >

City of mopeds . . .

VIETNAM | Saturday, 17 Apr 2010 | Views [453] | Comments [1]

From Heathrow to Mumbai to Bangkok at last we arrived in Ho Chi Minh city / Saigon and I think it is a good thing we were dazed from such a long journey because just the taxi trip from the airport to the hotel was information overload, this city is crazy! The ... Read more >

About jennye23

On Monkey Island in Ha Long Bay - there were monkeys here but the type that pounce on small children to steal their crisps so we stayed well clear

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