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Travelling light(ish) - Ho Chi Minh City to Kuala Lumpur and a bit inbetween

Into the Wild

MALAYSIA | Friday, 9 July 2010 | Views [467]

Once we enough food had been sampled in Georgetown we took a ferry and a bus over to Kota Bharu, right in the North East of Malaysia.  The best that I can say about it here was that it was a good taste of an authentic Malaysian town without all the tourist frills. It was interesting to wander around although I'm ashamed to say that the heat drove us into the air con'd McDonalds when we probably should have been looking around the Cultural Centre.. We stayed a couple of nights, watched England's defeat in the World Cup with some very happy Germans and left the next day for the Perhentean Islands.

A bus and a very fun speed boat trip later and we arrived in Paradise.  Beautiful white sand, turquoise beaches and palm trees. It seemed like the best way to appreciate the beauty was lying down on the beach, so we spent the next 4 days doing this.  The Perhenteans are famous for diving and snorkelling so we did attempt a snorkelling trip on the last day but in typical Jenny and Jess style managed to find the one part of sea possibly on the whole island where you the water was cloudy, you couldn't see a thing and the tide kept sweeping us into the nearby jetty!

Dragged ourselves away from the beach and back to Kota Bharu where we met Amy's friend of a friend Yo who is a guide in the jungle.  He arranged a trip to the Jalawang Jungle for us starting the next day so after a panic trip to the supermarket for torches, emergency snacks, etc we packed our trekking boots and set our alarms for very early the next morning.

We took the Jungle Train to Dabong with Ja our guide and started off the trek as we were meant to go on with a trip to some caves.  Expected the usual walk round well lit and roped off caves that we had already had on the trip but it couldn't have been more different.  We were climbing through the pitch black (with torches), up rocks and at one point submerging selves in water to get through a gap in the rocks so small I thought it was a joke until I saw Ja dissappear through it.  We also saw bats, cave Scorpions - look like a terrifying cross between black widows and scorpions (but not poisonous) and cave crickets ('a little bit poisonous').  Emerged into the daylight at the end very glad I hadn't known what was in store before we went in.

After lunch we started the trek up a very high waterfall.  Didn't think that the fact I was knackered just climbing up the starting steps was such a good sign but we made it up and apart from the part where I fell in the waterfall trying to jump between rocks it was all ok, although a little scary when we were scaling up the rocks and could see how high we'd come. Stayed the night in the very cool Base Camp at the top with amazing view across the hills below, attempted to cook our instant noodles but after a slight disaster with that had a much more appetizing meal of fried rice cooked for us by Ja.  Slept the night in a chalet, luxury accomodation for the jungle but I am very glad we were too tiered to be concerned by all the 'jungle orchestra' noises going on both inside and outside the hut.

Next day got up for Sunrise and it was amazing as we were above the mist and it felt like we were sitting in the clouds!  The walk up the waterfall became very worthwhile when we spent the morning swimmming in the pools.  Trekked back in the afternoon declining their offer for a 'night trek' in the interests of getting down without broken legs.  After the spiciest noodles I have ever eaten we were reunited with our rucksacks and lovely clean clothes.

Now in Melaka after travelling down via the jungle train.  Very nice here, like a more touristy and polished Georgetown again with very delicious food although we've made the mistake of finding cafe with amazing western food so there has been a bit more ciabatta than noodles being tried. Going for satay tonight, such a local delicacy that people queue up for hours to get it, so we can ease our consciences a bit there...

About jennye23

On Monkey Island in Ha Long Bay - there were monkeys here but the type that pounce on small children to steal their crisps so we stayed well clear

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