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The Adventures of Jennifer

Hello again Asia!

TAIWAN | Sunday, 23 Jan 2011 | Views [260]

Hi everyone, I arrived safely to Taipei, Taiwan last Friday night, January 21.  I think I'm adjusting pretty quickly from the jet lag.  Tomorrow, January 23, I will be flying to Hong Kong for a few days.  Keep ya posted! xoxo Jen

July 16th - Cusco

PERU | Thursday, 29 Jul 2010 | Views [327]

Today, in the 3rd/4th grade class, I taught them the colors of the rainbow.  I gave each student a paper with a rainbow on it, and had them write the colors in Spanish and English.  After we practiced the words, they were placed in groups so that they ... Read more >

July 15th - Cusco

PERU | Thursday, 29 Jul 2010 | Views [253] | Video

Today at school, I helped the 3rd/4th grade class with their math.  They seem to like math.  At recess, we played with more bubbles and the kids loved playing with the jump ropes.  Upon arrival, I'm always greet with hugs and smiles from the kids.  ... Read more >

July 14th - Cusco

PERU | Thursday, 29 Jul 2010 | Views [347]

I spent the day in the neighborhood of San Blas, and ate at this little place called "Ollas y Suenos".  For just 10 Soles, I got like a 5 course meal!  Plus, I ate alpaca meat!  I was scared at first, but it tasted like beef.  It was pretty ... Read more >

July 13th - Cusco

PERU | Thursday, 29 Jul 2010 | Views [294]

Today, we did a few things that were included in our boleto turistico.  We went to check out the Monument of Pachacutec, who was the ninth Inca.  The museums are are fairly small, so we checked out 2 of them: The Museo Municipal de Arte Contemporaneo ... Read more >

Photos: July 14th - Cusco

PERU | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

Cusco Planetarium
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Photos: July 13th - Cusco

PERU | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

Pachacutec monument, Museo de Arte Popular, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, and Andean dance at Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo.
See all 21 photos >>

July 12th - Cusco

PERU | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Views [283]

On the bus ride to school, the road was in the process of repaving, and so there was some traffic.  Our bus decided not to wait, and so we had to get off the bus and walk a mile to the school.  Yes, more walking.  Today, I brought beachballs for them ... Read more >

July 11th - Pisac

PERU | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Views [335]

After a major workout from Machu Picchu, I was looking forward to a day of relaxing at Pisac.  Pisac is another town with ruins, but on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, they have the Pisac market where different vendors will set up shop on the streets.... Read more >

July 10th - Machu Picchu

PERU | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Views [383]

At 6am, we walked across the street to the bus station.  The bus ride took about 25 minutes and we caught some amazing views of the morning fog with the mountains.  We arrived and met up with Cat the rest of our tour group.  It was really foggy and we ... Read more >

July 9th - Aguas Calientes

PERU | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Views [285]

Jamie & I had to get up early because we were going on our Machu Picchu trip.  We were supposed to get picked up from the house at 6am for the train station, but our driver was one hour late and we almost missed our train because of it!  You all ... Read more >

July 8th - Cusco

PERU | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Views [362]

It is so nice to get up each day and eat breakfast with the roomies and our host dad, Americo, before we go to work.  Breakfast usually consists of bread with butter or jam, bananas, cereal with milk or yogurt, and tea.   When I arrived at school ... Read more >

July 7th - Cusco

PERU | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Views [323]

Today was my first day of volunteering at the school.  It takes me about an hour to get from my family stay to the Chynchaysuyo School.  I have to walk about 30 minutes from the house to the bus stop located on the city's main street, Avenida El Sol.... Read more >

July 6th continued...

PERU | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Views [306]

That evening, we headed back to the Plaza de Armas.  The plaza looks amazing in the day and at night.  We tried our first Peruvian pizza at Pizza Marengo.  It was delicious!  The people here like to put mayonnaise on their pizza, but their mayonnaise ... Read more >

Photos: July 11th - Pisac

PERU | Tuesday, 20 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: July 8th - Cusco

PERU | Tuesday, 20 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 4 photos >>

Photos: July 7th - Cusco

PERU | Tuesday, 20 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 8 photos >>

Photos: July 6th - Cusco

PERU | Tuesday, 20 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 12 photos >>

Photos: July 5th - Cusco

PERU | Tuesday, 20 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 28 photos >>

Photos: July 10th - Machu Picchu

PERU | Wednesday, 14 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

Aguas Calientes/Machu Picchu Trip
See all 48 photos >>

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