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Our world Travel On 10th May 2007 I fled the UK on a journey around the world with a long list of places to go. Got as far as the Philippines where I met my wife. We got married on 11th May 2010 and are now sharing the experiences of travelling the world together

Philippines to Uk

SPAIN | Monday, 7 December 2009 | Views [1322] | Comments [5]

Mon 30th Nov - Today is the beginning of a long trip to the UK and back to spend Christmas and New Year with family. As has happened on past journeys, the day is a bit strained as I will be away for a long time, and emotions are flying. To make matters more complicated, we have a guest from Saudi Arabia staying at the house in Silang at present, who is learning English with us for a couple of weeks, whilst his wife and son are on holiday in Egypt. The past week since he arrived has been a bit messy due to the teaching commitment, and need to provide some entertainment, but he will still be there for a few more days after I leave, before going home to Jeddah.

Before the UK I am spending some time in Bangkok to coincide with the King's birthday celebrations, and a few days in Spain visiting a mate from the UK, which I will cover later.

First off, the usual trip to the airport that I have been through many times now. Cebu pacific flight 5J931, leaving at 21:35 and arriving in Bangkok at 23:50 local time. One of the things I am tired of now is the continual currency hassles. Carrying 3 or more currencies, and making losses on the exchange along the way, but there is little alternative. Check-in was a little more colourful than usual, with the staff wearing Christmas hats and some with festive ears. In some ways I will miss not being here for Christmas, but cannot be in both places at the same time, and felt the need to go to the UK this time.

The past few days have been marred by a recurring right shoulder pain, which meant having to go to the doctors and have an X-Ray. It turns out that I have suspected Arthritis, and have been put on a course of Steroids and pain killers. They are working already and the pain has subsided totally. Hope it doesn't recur as it has been agony, and almost driven me to tears.

The flight went without much excitement. I was so tired I dosed for most of it, apart from the loud snoring from a guy in the seat in front of me. I think everyone wanted to kill him.

The well rehearsed taxi journey to my usual backpacker lodge in Sukhumvit are by meter taxi (25baht + 45baht tolls plus 210baht taxi plus 50baht fixed fee). Hit my dorm bed as soon as I could and out like a light....zzzz....


Tue 1st Dec - Is it December already? My god, hasn't this year flown by!

Woke up still in a bit of a daze, climbed clumsily out of bed and cut my leg on the corner of the bed....now that was silly wasn't it?

Breakfast at my usual haunt at the Elefin café whilst I caught up with mail and what to do next. One of the reasons for timing this visit was the King's birthday and associated events from 3rd to 5th December. As such, it is busier than normal, plus plenty of travelers are around for the Full Moon party on the 2nd. Getting accommodation isn't as easy as usual, and so I had to spend a little time searching around for contingencies. I always go to the same place, and it is good to change occasionally. I also need some sleep and staying in a dorm isn't ideal for that.

Out for the evening with a guy from the US who leaves tomorrow, who had been here for 45 days and had plenty of opinions about the country, which made for an interesting evening of conversation.


Wed 2nd Dec - Felt like getting some sleep for a few days, so decided to relocate somewhere a bit more up market and have a private room for a change. 700 baht instead of 350 baht is a jump, but still ok as everywhere else here seems to be 1000 baht plus. Got chatting to a nice lady from Vancouver who is treating herself to a 50th birthday exotic trip. Something I can relate to, as I am 50 next year and no how important it is.

Relaxed and did a little shopping during the day. A friend from Chiang Mai has decided to join me for a few days to coincide with the king's birthday celebrations here. It may be my last time in Thailand for a considerable time as next year revolves around other places and Thailand does not fit in with the scheme of things. So it will be nice to catch up with her again.

Things are also getting organized for my few day visit to Visit a friend in Spain on my way to the UK. The weather sounds bleak, and I have pre-ordered a coat and some thermal underwear for use on arrival! It might be my last winter ever in the UK and Europe!

As the evening edged its way out of daytime, I felt like checking out Lumphini park. It was quiet as the aerobics had finished and the only real sounds were those of the traffic droning in the distance. Time for some reflection before the craziness of the next few day's activities.


Thu 3rd Dec – I hadn’t been to the Grand palace for a long time. I have covered this place before a few times. Entry is 350Bt and a stunning place for photography. Being the King’s birthday celebrations are on, the main stage area around Sanam Luang, traditional Thai dancing and singing concert from 7pm onwards. Other side shows going on, and made a visit to the National museum for a break. Getting out of area Was crazy after the concert. The taxis didn’t want to know and even if they did, wanted an extortionate price for it as soon as they saw a foreign face appear! Ended up getting a Tuk-tuk to Ratchedewi station.


Fri 4th Dec – One of my usual walks to the MBK centre passes the Erewan shrine. Went to see the Christmas carol movie at the IMAX cinema at Siam Paragon for 300Bt. Superb in 3D.

An evening of Salsa dancing at the Dream hotel in Soi 15. Burnt off a bit of energy!


Sat 5th Dec – The main event of the day is the King’s 82nd birthday celebration. Had to Sit cross-legged on the pavement. Feet must be tucked in like for respect to Buddha and the King. Exactly 6pm we had to stand up in respect of the king, but no sound, just stood for 1 minute. The trees along Ratchedamnoen were illuminated very pretty. At 6pm the royal family passed along Ratchedamnoen towards the palace. The king apparently came out this morning, but will not make an appearance in evening. At about 6:15pm the 'Royal' procession came past...so fast you could barely see who it was. A white rolls like our queen uses. After quite a long wait surrounded by Pink T-shirts and waving flags, it was over in the blink of an eye. Plenty of people talking about the rare sight of a 'Farang' in the crowd. Straight on the move again to be by the palace for the light show. A band was already up and running on stage, followed by a variety of artistes whilst the lighting on the palace changed colours...funky to the sound of a sax beat. we then had to struggle to get a space...must have been a million Thai's vying for a space to put themselves and then sit down on the floor on a plastic sheet. A sea of Pink again and the palace a few hundred metres away. I continue to be frustrated by the treatment of foreigners. You want water...10baht for the locals, but they wanted to charge me 100! was about to get a Tuk-tuk earlier who wanted 300 when it should have been 60. Everyone around me is constantly using the term Farang, in almost every sentence. It wears you down, no matter how tolerant you are. I used to think i could live here, but now i am not so sure. Also, the constant expectation to pay for everything wherever i go. Not one occasion when i am bought something. If i make an issue of it, i am almost put down for being stingy or something. At 7pm the 4D sound & light show at palace followed at 8pm the fireworks over the Golden mount. Hard to see it all, as it was all spread out, but nice enough. Another crazy escape from the area by Moto-taxi to a sky station along the crowded roads. lights and banners everywhere.


Sun 6th Dec – My friend returned to Chiang Mai this morning and I returned to the Soi 1 backpackers for the night before leaving Bangkok.


Mon 7th Dec - Flight AB7151 bound for Dusseldorf in Germany was due to depart at 11:55 and so I had a nice usual start to the day. Up for breakfast at 7:30am at the Elefin café across the road, and then a taxi ride to the airport along empty roads. Check-in opened 3hrs ahead of departure, so I didn't have to wait long. It is noticeable when you are standing in a queue of people from a specific country or region of the world how we all differ. You come from the streets of Bangkok for example, where everyone is either Thai or mixed, to a queue of Europeans, with not a single Asian. All white skinned or with a noticeable tan.

A few hours to kill now, so had a coffee and some internet time at one of the cafes after going through passport control.

Another change now as I had to change my remaining Baht into Euros. It seems ages since i last used the euro currency. I think it was about 3 1/2 years ago, and felt a little strange. Will have to get some British pounds in a few days, so will mess with currency a bit, and lose in the process. The main problem is that my brain is now programmed to think Asian prices, and i am now going back into expensive territory. I expect it will kill me to have to pay the prices for some things, and will have to keep everything to a minimum. Cannot afford to do anything else, as don't have the money. It doesn't bode well for any future visits west...this might be the last for a considerable time and i haven't got there yet! 

Very efficient boarding as expected of Air Berlin, aboard an A330 wide bodied plane. I had a Dutch guy for company, who had been on vacation for 3 weeks. A maintenance engineer for an aircon company.

The meals were good quality. The first one was accompanied by some red wine and followed by a glass of Bailey's liquor or cognac. The later meal was also good. Plenty of coffee/tea and water and could buy snacks in between if you wished. Nice service i thought. Usual in-flight prices in Euros (€2.5 for a drink or snack on average). In-flight movies would have been good if they gave out headphones, but you had to buy them, so didn't bother. Free newspapers if you could read German. I had to make do with my book and the Bangkok post. The other entertainment was from the guy next to me who was bored and kept huffing and puffing. He should have brought a book or something but had nothing to do and couldn't sleep either. And another guy behind me who kept farting and letting out the most awful smells that were so unfair on an airplane!

We are going back 6 hours in time zone change to Germany/Spain. Departed at 11:55am (actually just after noon), and arrive at 18:15. So that's 6 1/4hrs plus the 6hrs time difference, making it a 12 hour or so flight! I reckon that i woke up about 7am and so was awake for 5 hours before take-off, making it 18hours without sleep by that time. I then have until 6am before the next flight to Alicante departs. So that is another 11 hours after arrival. Then a 2hr 35 min flight followed by say another 1 hour minimum to Simon's place. Making it a grand total of maybe 33 hours without sleep. I think i will just die tomorrow!

I finished my book the 'Hardship Postings Volume 2' with 5 hours still to go, and that's why i have time to mess around making silly notes now. I will go nuts at Dusseldorf if i don't have anything to do, so hope there is some free internet, so i can play and research.

I have also got plenty to be thinking about in my idle moments as next year should be a 'Big' year. Being 50 in March and taking early retirement...stop it you lot out there who think i have already retired...well it is sort of true i guess.

In a crazy roller-coaster session yesterday evening with Shiera, we managed to patch up a big timing problem and work out some way forward. I ended up booking us a flight to Osaka in Japan for March 2nd. That will cover cherry blossom season which will begin earlier in the south and later in the month northwards. I had hoped to spend Golden week there, but think it will be too expensive and a crazy time to be there.

Visas are the usual issue as arriving back in the Philippines on 13th January, and then only getting 21 days tourist visa takes me to 3rd February. Will have to extend my visa, and keep the costs down, but have some plans to spice things up a little. More on that at a later date. After Japan...well maybe Malaysia for a bit, but it doesn't matter right now as it is too far away to be of real concern. It does mean that we will be in Japan for my birthday. Now that may seem a little strange. But wanted to be somewhere special. Could have picked anywhere. But visa issues again. The first visa extension from 3rd Feb only takes me to 5th March, so i would have to leave the country anyway, or extend again, and that seems silly as it is expensive. So decided to leave the Philippines and go somewhere else for my birthday. Aren't visas a total pain! The Philippines especially causes me no end of troubles, and why it is highly likely that it won't be my chosen country of long term residence.

As we soared along at 40,000ft at 510mph and an outside temperature of -70 degrees C or less, it is a reminder of how cold it will be in the west. The Bangkok post showed the daytime temperatures at around 30 degrees in Bangkok and 7 degrees in London. Ohhh...shit...that's bloody cold! And that is daytime...what about the night time...gonna die with frostbite or hyperthermia and maybe wont have any fingers or toes left when i come back east? Will have to get some thermal long johns and a woolly hat in Spain, and knitted nose and ear muffs. I love the temperatures in Asia...have turned into a wimp now and hate the cold.

Isn't it pretty when the horizon changes from day to night, and the rainbow of colours of the spectrum can be seen as the light fades. The world below fades to black. Earlier in the flight we passed over a vast range of snow-capped mountains. First snow i had seen in a long while. I think that must have been the Himalayas or somewhere on the Russian borders. No idea as they don't flash up a progress map until later in the flight after the movies have finished, so you have no idea where you are.

Arrived at Dusseldorf airport at 6:10pm and 7 degrees C....freezin...

Swift pass through passport control and baggage claim then went to Information services to check what i can do while I’m waiting for my flight to Alicante in the morning. I was amazed that i could check my luggage in using their 'Late Night' check in counters. Up one level and off to the far end and the lovely staff were there to take my luggage. That was a relief, so i didn't have to keep hold of it all night.

Picked up a local map and information about the city. They have a sky train between the airport and city. The problem is that it is complicated and not obvious what to see and where it all is. Takes 15mins and costs 1 euro. Then i spoke to someone else who advised me not to go as it could be dangerous in places.

Had a small amount of Thai Baht left that they wouldn't change in Thailand, but a nice lady at one money changer here gave me some Euros for it, commission free, saying it was from St Nicholaus. I like this Christmas spirit. She then changed some dollars commission free too. Now that was really sweet. I was told not to lie down on the seats in the waiting hall as the security are particular about it and might evict me from the building. They want to avoid any vagrancy, and to be honest, after a day of not shaving i could easily pass for one! Best stay upright and awake then...so McDonald's and a coffee. Isn't the world of Euros and expensive one? All of a sudden the cost of staying alive has multiplied beyond recognition, with a McD's doggie burger, fries and a coffee costing about 6 Euros.

Either that or a McFraulein with Bratwurst sausage and eine kleine twisty thingshalle ganungbung..thingy... You can tell I’m in Germany now...got the lingo off to a tee!

I have gone from a sea of perfectly formed lovely ladies in the warmth of Thailand basking in the low 30's at the moment...to the thick coat wearing...earmuff clad...pale faced people in the winter of Germany...help...this isn't what i was meant to be doing...get me out of here and put me on a beach with flip-flops and a cocktail! S..O..S.. Mayday..Mayday. Will build a fire and hope for an air lift soon.

Only German newspapers and magazine. Would have thought a flight destined for Spain would have had English or Spanish?

Took off at 6am in the dark freezing cold rain with a biting wind. The view of Dusseldorf from the window was lovely as it was all lit up. The Rhine snaking its was through the city. From what i could see, it looked walkable from the Airport. It was cold though. And I didn't have enough clothes to wrap up in. I reckon on a good day it would be a nice walk.

Arrived in Alicante 20 minutes ahead of schedule. Greeted by a pleasant 16 degrees C, no cloud and approach from the sea towards the land. Simon was waiting in arrivals and we soon hit that road to Salinas, around 35 minutes over the mountains. A lovely typical Spanish town, set around a square. Today was a National Holiday...The 'Immaculate Conception day', and so everywhere was closed, excepting for a few bars.

Went into town later to a Bodega for a rather expensive meal at 20 Euros each, but that include red wine...about 6 courses including eels, fish, meat dishes...

An exciting afternoon fixing a technical problem at a client’s house. They had a really nice place and thought they were very accommodating. Met Tia Simon’s dog...Excited she was. A pleasant walk around the town in the cold. Was clear sky, but still only a few degrees above freezing.


Wed 9th Dec -  Spent the whole day in Benidorm, around 45 minutes drive from Simon’s house. I hadn’t been here since i was 18 years old. Now that was a long time ago. I could still recognise some parts of it. The main promenade i thought was lovely, with wavy stainless steel railing and beach level boardwalk. The city seemed to have been taken over to a large extent by expats come to sun themselves away from the British winter. Sporting dark suntans and beer bellies to accommodate the hours spent drinking too many Cervesas in the waterfront bars....the typical expat image!


Thu 10th Dec – Another meeting with some clients of Simon’s in Sax for a future internet installation. We had a nice lunch in Sax at the Bodega owned by the potential client. Two of the guys behind the bar looked like Sumo wrestlers. I wouldn’t like to get between them in an argument...A bit squashed I think! My turn to cook in the evening, so did a delicious pasta dinner.

Visited another customer of Simon’s in the afternoon The guy had been out at the Olive oil weighing station. They take their harvest and then the oil content is assessed. They are then given a slip with details and they get paid when the processing has been done, which could be month or so.


Fri 11th Dec - Walk the dog and then off to airport, about 45 mins in the fog arriving at T2 for Easyjet flight EZY1918 departing at about 11:10. Confusion at check-in with speedy boarding and people changing queues. Disgusting toilets with flush not working.

I always stagger at the prices you pay for everything at airports. Alicante shocked me even more. I can never understand an economy that can dare to charge 3 Euros for a small bottle of plain water, 6 Euros for a small piece of crusty bread and some local cured ham, and nothing else, and over 3 Euros for a small packet of crisps. The most basic of snacks was 10 Euros. That's 8 pounds (over 600 Pesos), for sod all! I cannot afford Europe, irrespective of the fact I have now acclimatised to the costs in Asia. I would be broke in next to no time. The next 3 weeks are going to be a test. I want to go out and have some nice treats, but the cost is prohibitive. Forget treating anyone to a meal out...would wipe out a month's living costs for lunch! Bring it on Asia....

The A320 Airbus flight departed at 11:30; 20 minutes later than expected due to fog delaying it leaving Manchester on its incoming journey. Arrived in Manchester at 1:15pm total cloud cover since crossing from France, but luckily it was clear over Manchester. Temp about 1 deg C ! Freezio...

Quick enough out of the airport and on to the free airport shuttle service to the railway station. £5.70 off peak ticket to Burscough Bridge and was only waiting for 15 minutes before departing on the Northern Rail 14:03 bound for Southport via Appley Bridge. Did a quick currency change in the terminal for some British Pounds. My own currency felt weird after this time away!

Arrived in Burscough after 80 minutes in the thick freezing fog. My mother was waiting and it was lovely to see her after so long. At 84 years old she is a sprightly lady and a pleasure to be spending time with.

More in the next journal...




Hi Jeff, Early retirement at 50. What, with a pension , haven't the government stopped that now!PS I can't recommend it highly enough.

  bondy Jan 24, 2010 6:58 AM


Hi Paul. You gave ut a try for a while. It has its moments....So how's things back at work??


  Jeff Jan 25, 2010 9:51 PM


What do you mean 'how's things back at work' ? How would I know? What e-mail works for you now? I think the one you have for me no longer exists as I changed my ISP about a year ago. Keep blogging....

  bondy Jan 26, 2010 4:05 AM


Sorry Paul. I thought you were working at the Emley business park. The Gmail address is best.


  jeff Jan 27, 2010 3:48 PM


I think the one you have for me no longer exists as I changed my ISP about a year ago. Keep blogging....

  UK Roller Banners Jun 17, 2010 12:50 PM

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