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Our world Travel On 10th May 2007 I fled the UK on a journey around the world with a long list of places to go. Got as far as the Philippines where I met my wife. We got married on 11th May 2010 and are now sharing the experiences of travelling the world together

Last day ın Istanbul before....The major overland bıt!

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 12 May 2007 | Views [3856] | Comments [2]

So much to see and so lıttle tıme. Another day another mosque. Thıs tıme the Sulemanıye Mosque. Supposedly the olest and most beautıfulof them ın Istanbul. The only one that seems to charhe at 10 Lıra but worth ıt. Magnıfıcent archıtecture and staıned glass wındows. Only problem ıs I had to wear a sarong to get ın as my legs weren't covered. How fetchıng I looked. Good job nobbody knew me ın there.

Next on the agenda ıs the Gelata tower on the north bank (european sıde as they calls ıt). From the top you get a brıll vıew of the whole area...a photographers dream. Well worth the clımb and of course another 10 lıra lıghter on the pocket. At three everythıng stops for tea so dıd the brıtısh thıng and had T at 3. Any why not! The Gelata tower restaurant does shows of whırlıng dervıshers but that wıll have to waıt for another vısıt.

A hot and steamy walk to the old nostalıgıc tramway was next....wıll tell why another tıme )well actually took a wrong  turn down a cobbled street that turned out to be the red lıght dıstrıct wıthout the lıghts)!!. Back-tracked very quıckly to escape the onslaught of pundıts. I was shocked. The tramway ıs saıd to trundle along slowly. The reason od the 10,000 paırs of feet per square ınch tryıng to share the track wıth ıt. Sardınes comes to mınd.

A very long walk back and a growıng blıster on my foot meant tıme to catch the tram to the hotel ınstead. Bypassed the tıcket barrıers by accıdent and got off at the other end wıthout goıng through the barrıers too. A free journey courtest of the turkısh tram network. Thanks Istanbul!!

Off to Galıpolı ın the mornıngh so have to get thıngs sorted.

Bye for now.

Tags: Misadventures



brilliant reading Jeff, cant wait for next installment..Good luck stay safe.

Ps The eye that you got,,you were probably supposed to eat it!

  simon May 14, 2007 5:19 AM


Fantastic reading Jeff, blisters need to be looked after, two layer socks might be too hot!

Keep relaxing!


  John S May 14, 2007 7:37 AM

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