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Our world Travel On 10th May 2007 I fled the UK on a journey around the world with a long list of places to go. Got as far as the Philippines where I met my wife. We got married on 11th May 2010 and are now sharing the experiences of travelling the world together

Chiang Mai...Back to Bangkok...Live long and prosper!

THAILAND | Sunday, 2 August 2009 | Views [1760] | Comments [3]

Don't worry the title will all become clear near the end....Read on

Mon 27th Jul - Continuing on from my last posting from here....Need to get on with some activities or the days will just evaporate and will have achieved nothing. Not that that would be a problem, but I always feel I need to use my time well, gaining something from it. Two options are high up on my list that I didn't do last time I was here.

Option 1 is Zorbing or Zorb Ball is it is known here. This is where you climb into a large clear plastic ball and go whizzing down a hill side until you come to rest at the bottom. The potential for fun...and throwing up of course...is high. You can also have the options to have a couple of buckets of water thrown in there with you or even share the ball with another person. Now doesn't that sound hilarious fun!

Option 2 is less thrilling but advertised as Thailand's number 1 attraction....The 'Flight of the Gibbon'. A 3km course set up in the canopy of a forest, incorporating walkways, zipwires and abseils. Sounds similar to what I have done before, and a bit pricy at over 2,000 Baht including collection and drop-off from Chiang Mai, but might get to see some wildlife, mainly of the human variety.

Tue 28th Jul - Today started with good intentions. Well the intentions were inside my head as I overslept and got up at 10am. Late for me and lost half that day by the time I had breakfast at the Leprachaun Irish restaurant on Loi Kroh. Was gonna do this, do that, but ended up not doing much. Hadn't read a book in a while so checked out a couple of used book stores. Got a funny book about stories from expatriates in Asia. Tales of mayhem and dodgy situations guys get themselves into in this continent designed and developed to distort the mind, weaken the body, but enrich the soul with all things distracting to the focussing on the straight and narrow. For many never returning to their homeland after a dose of its intoxicating effect. And in that theme... had an oil massage, and that seem to lose up some more time. Hungry work this, so time for another meal at the Mayflower on Loi Kroh. Then got a nice call to meet with a friend from the last time I was here. Day turned into night over a drink, and conversation about how difficult it is to make certain things succeed here. Both of us keen dancers, but after many years of attempting every combination of dance teaching, none working. So with disappointment having to give up and quit the country, purely to find a place to dance with people who are interested and capable.

Read an interesting comment later about my last posting that said something about me being less like Peter Pan these day and more like a lost boy and minding the Crocodile. From someone I don't think I know, so that was interesting. Have I ever been like Peter Pan? And crocodiles are everywhere to bite a poor innocent boy like me. Anyway, cryptic messages over....

Another great night of music at the Guitar Man with a regular musician Tum, plus a blues / rock band. My first glass of red wine in a while and that mellowed the evening even more. Hence writing this journal stretched out on a raised cushion area, the beat going on and my mind wandering.

Got on-line earlier and managed to catch my Shiera on webcam. Looking lovey and happier than previously, it made me a bit homesick. Will be back with her soon. 

Wed 29th Jul - A further comment on my journal referring to Peter Pan. Well for some reason my last posting seemed to have stimulated some comments about me rather than or in connection with my journey. Interesting timing as it is all going on, and to some who have been close in my past, has been going on for some time. My direction needs to be brought to some sort of focus, and it has to be done sooner rather than later. I supposedly got off the road in the Philippines to sort this out, and instead of doing that fell straight into a relationship with a very special lady, who captviated me, and so I never had time to really sort it out. My stock phrase I have used is...the right person, in the right place and at the right time. Well, the place is the issue at the moment and it doesn't tick the boxes for what I need out of life. But with the right person, we can move to the right place....as long as we both want the same things in life. I am reminded of a chance meeting with a traveller in Vientianne in Laos, who had been travelling for 21 years, with no idea why. He had no purpose, and had lost his way. He was much younger than me and I think in a worse position. It is more likley to happen as you get older and life seems to be moving on and you start to ask yourself what you have achieved in this phase of your life. I know many things about my needs and what is required of the future. The problem has been to be honest about it and get on and sort it out. Honest to myself as well as those I care about around me. One thing I definitely need is social stimulation of the visual and vocal kind (music and conversation that is), and I get absolutely non of that in the part of the Philippines where I currently live...totally dead as far as a social life with the right kind of people. No music whatsoever to just chill to and sing along with apart from Videoke of the painful kind, and absolutely no dancing unless you go to the dire mess of Manila and asphyxiate yourself with pollution in a conflicting aim to stay healthy, with a healthy mind and body. So that is that in a nutshell and major problem number 1 to resolve. I need to move somewhere else and hopefully before I go into self destruct mode and my head disappears up my own arse in a puff of smoke.

On a separate subject...have I mentioned the Jao Tee? Well if not then maybe I should. Almost every house in Thailand and many other properties, have outside what looks like a very ornate replica of a shrine or traditionally designed house. Offerings are left at this 'Shrine' to appease the 'house spirit'. This is the spirit that will make your property safe, protect it from evils and generally keep out the spooks. Do not respect it, and you could be in for some serious misfortune. Stories abound about what goes wrong when you do not understand and respect the spirit. Things magically fly off tables and strange things happen like your property is haunted. Get it right, and all calms down and becomes harmonious. Believe it or not, it is a way or fact of life here, and not just a superstition.

Breakfast at the Wild Boar Inn on Loi Kroh, so far the best English breakfast around as it is run by a native UK lad. A good hearty start to the day.

And so, as I watch the shops prepare themselves for a new day of business; the ice merchants deliver bags of it to bars and restaurants; novice monks resplendent in their orange robes striding past with their sack bag over their shoulder; an old lady with a zimmer frame slowly but purposefully make her way along; small groups of travellers with their copy of the Lonely Planet bible tucked under their arm; and many Sawngthaew on their way somewhere with travellers on board, I am now reminded that the day is moving on and need to get my ass in gear and do something with it.

So ran off to the 'Flight of the Gibbon' booking office opposite thr Boonmee Mansion Guest House, and luck would have it they had a promotion on, so only cost 1,900 Baht complete with pick-up, so booked it on the spot and only had an hour before I was due to be picked up. Quicly picked up a couple of snacks in case of dire hunger, as the girl in the office said there was no food provided' only water at the end of the course. Other drinks available at additional cost. So on with the walking boots and off for some activity for a change

Aircon minivan arrived and departed on time at 1pm then collected a few more passengers before setting off for proper into the countryside. Around an hour to get there from Chiang mai and a really nice journey too passing some pretty traditional thai houses.

A quick intro to the activity and on with a harness and helmet, then off we go. The 'Flight of the Gibbon' is an aerial course of zipwires, wooden rope bridges and a few abseils through the forest canopy. It is a bit tame by adrenalin junky standards and there was a ten year old girl in one of the other groups, so that tells you how difficult it is. The guides are very good and friendly. They do this three times each day and so play around a lot to alleviate the repetitiveness. Lucky for us the rain held off and started just as we finished. The zipwires vary from really short to long and bouncy. Fortune struck and we saw some real Gibbons swinging though the trees, so that made it worth it. It is almost impossible to take a good camera and so I left it all behind and just had a compact one, which are almost useles for taking good photgraphs under these conditions. Anyway, memories are better than photographs in most cases.

They lied...just as we thought it was all over and headed towards the minivan to come back, they stopped us and asked us to go to the house for dinner. They had laid on a nice three course meal of curry soup and rice with spiced vegetables and some fruit. A pleasant trip back to town arriving around 7:30pm.

The evening didn't really evolve into much as i had been busy and was tired. Still, squeezed in some chat time with my Shiera back in the Philippines and then went out for a rather poor meal at a place I won't mention, but had passed a few times and thought it looked ok. Looks can be decieving. Then after walking in the cool evening air for a time, got dragged into a bar....honest...to play pool and drink coffee for a while and hey presto...it was 1am. Now where did that time go....I have no flippin idea?

Thu 30th Jul - Heading back to Bangkok tonight so had to pack up my stuff. Went for breakfast first with a lovely girl from Japan and chatted for a while about stuff. Then jumped in a Sawngthaew to the railway station to  buy my ticket for tonight. All of the lower berths were full and so, yet again only managed to get the freezing top bunk. That means no sleep again I reckon.

To be honest I would stay the full 30 days in Thailand and it hasn't been 2 weeks yet, but things are a little strained back home and have to return. It is only fair, so will spend a few days in Bangkok and then fly back to Manila early next week. Later on in the day booked my cebupacific flight for Monday.

Another traveller arrived at the Boonmee from Switzerland, so spent a little time chatting then went for a superb meal at the Mayflower again.

The rains started and continued on and off for the rest of the day. Had a short rest back at the Boonmee and was about to fall asleep when I thought I would miss my train if I did, and so headed off to the station instead. The carriage I was in was the usual refrigerated type. You could feel your body temperature plummet on entry and the cryogenic freezing process commence.

Early on one of the noisiest familest on the planet boarded and sat opposite me. Oh sh1t...not one of those bunch who have no consideration for anyone. I have never understood why some people have never learnt the art of whispering, and communicating in a low calm voice. Everything shouted at full volume to someone a mere one meter away. The train hadn't even set off and I wanted to kill them.

It was an interesting combination of travellers I was sharing my section with. A pretty Korean student journalist on her first trip outside of Korea, who spoke some English and was a giggly sort. She looked like a typical advert for a korean selling mobile phones. Seen them on the billboards. Black hair and white fair skin, Plus a French girl who just stared at anyone who spoke to her. It became apparent that she was French although initially she did not respond to anyone. It was funny actually as the Korean girl wanted to talk with her, and the French girl just stared back. I though she was mute until she ordered her meal in English! Then I thought she was just a wierdo, who didn't like people. She kept looking at me and smiling and then across at the Korean girl and smile, but no words. It was like a three way conversation without a script and only eye contact. After a while I decided I would break the crazy atmosphere and just read my book. She took a little interest in what I was reading and we eventually exchanged a few words in French with some English thrown in for detail. She then coccooned herslef in a sleeping bag and went to sleep.

Dinner was served albeit in a very staggered order and then the beds were made up and time to hit the sack. That is when the ticket guards came around to check tickets for the second time. The French girl was in the wrong carriage and had been since leaving Chiang Mai. The previous guard punched her ticket and never made any comment, so she was moved, and replaced by somene else. After bed swapping was complete, off to bed. Yippee, this one was better than the last and not as cold.

Had a disturbed night mainly due to the rocking and jumping motion of the train. Arrived at Hua Lamphong station at 8:15am. Was suppoed to be 7am, but I guess it never makes that time.

Straight out to the Metro to Silon and then transfer to the BTS skytrain at sala Daeng and soon enough at the Soi 1 Backpacker Guest House. Check-in, and then straight to bed absolutely shattered.


Fri 31st Jul - After a brief rest followed by a great shower and freshen up, it was time to head out. It was late so had Breakfast / Lunch at the Elefin café a short way down Soi 1 and then headed out for a walk to Lumpini park via Erewan shrine Lumpini park. Spent most of the day there just relaxing, watching the public aerobics and then off to the Night Bazaar for a meal and listened to a live Thai rock band. Apart from that, not much happened today. 

Sat 1st Aug - Caught a Khlong boat from the bottom of Soi 1 for 12 Baht going west to Wat Saket changing a Pratunam. I had been here before but it does offer a great view of Bangkok. The weather was clear and the view great. So many people as usual here doing their pilgrimage and worshipping rituals, so a good place for people watching. Then caught a moto taxi for 50 Baht to Vinanmek Mansion. Walk past the tuk-tuks as they want to rip-off at 200 Baht!

The mansion is actually part of a large complex with a single entrance fee of 100 Baht. If you have been to the Wat Phra Kew / Grand Palace then your ticket gets you in here for free. The mansion is the only part i actually wanted to see so walked briefly around the rest. Niccece buildings from the colonial era made from teak. The mansion is a well organised arrangement. No photography allowed inside and so have to surrender that before they let you in. Cover up so needed a shirt and trousers, no footwear. The entrance covers a 30 minute guided tour of the house in English. Lovely furnishings of such high quality and a nice rlaxed pace. After doing the tour, back to get my camera then you are allowed to photograph the outside of the building only. Plenty of eateries in the complex and so had a nice chicken sukiyaki and iced coffee before walking to flower market and then onto ferry station N15. This walk is a long one but interesting as it not only passes the very pretty flower market, but also a section of seafood sellers, a nice temple and a buddhist prayer bowl manufacturer.

Alongside the pier it teams with fish and yoou can buy bags of stale bread to feed them. Thousands of em. Dinner is free for the taking if you have a net!. 12 baht down to Central pier. Walk along Silom road and stopped for massage. Straight back to Soi 1 and quick change before going to Siam Niramit show. 1,500 Baht. Metro from Asok and shuttle service waiting. Traffic so heavy it took ages to get there and arrived 10 minutes before show begun. Told them I wanted to take photographs and they wouldn't allow it. They take your camera equipment during the show. Bastards!

Show started at 8pm and lasted for 90 minutes. This was the second time I had seen the show. The last time was January 2008. From what I recollect it is exactly the same as then not that that is a problem as it is a narrative about the history of Siam, know Thailand of course, and history doesn't change. The venue is the largest stage in Asia with a seating capacity of 2,000. Tonight it was about two-thirds full I reckon. Being such a rich and elaborate culture makes for a fantasia of costumes and music throughout. Beautiful sets and haunting melodic rhythms. For part of the performance the front of the stage opens into a river with a boat sailing down it, thunder and lightening overhead and a downpour of rain...yes, rain on stage. A pretty section has floating candles in ornate baskets floating down the river ceremoniously. Illuminated winged ladies fly around through the audience and stage. Elephants appear from the sidings into the audience area. Flashes of coloured steam from the ground in front of the upper audience. Flying deities across the stage. It has it all. There isn't much more they could add as it demonstrates perfectly the richness of the country's past and their belief system.

On this visit I have seen both this show and the Calypso show repeated from earlier visits. Both remind me of the reason why I love this country. I like culture, flamboyance, extrovertness and the fact that anybody can do anything and get away with it. Acceptance is all part of life here. The sheer stunning beauty of the ladies, and that includes the ladyboys (aka Gatoys or just 'Toys'), the gracious nature and wonderful architecture all make this country unique. And all shape it to be the dream destination for most who have never been here, and the magnet that keeps us coming back for those who have been drawn by its allure.

By the time the show finished and I had reclaimed my camera, the throngs of people clammering around the performers outside for a snapshot, made it impossible to take any of my own photographs. Crazier than the last time I was here, with people pushing and shoving to get their chance for a shot. Frustrating, so gave up and headed back on the free shuttle to the Metro station.

Was early still and ended up playing pool is a bar I have been to a few times and then hit the sack in the early hours of the morning.


Sun 2nd Aug - I fly back to Manila tonight, well 00:10, so actually Monday morning. It has been too short really as I intended it to be upto 1 month and will be going back after only 2 weeks. Some things need sorting out back there and it is prudent to go now.

I always miss Bangkok, and despite the number of times I have been, there is so much I still haven't done. Could spend another week just here this time. It is a workaholic metropolis that never sleeps. The hoardes of workers and shoppers during the day, taken over by the nightlife seekers. Sometimes it is nice to just walk and watch. You see it all here. Every few metres the approaches for 'Massage Sir', and 'I go with you', make for the usual battle of hormones versus how fast could you empty your wallet if you wanted to? The reality is that it is all very shallow, and these girls/ladyboys, might look like the best thing on the planet, but you wouldn't trust any of them one bit. They are programmed to lie and tell you what you want to hear. Make you feel like a king, and then empty your wallet with a smile and you would help them do it, and then realise the scam too late. But probably do it again another night thinking you are wiser and won't get caught again....but you will.

Walking through the market stall each night is like Deja Vu. The same banter going on...same same but different. They play the same script over and over again...first the price is too high, then they drop it a bit, then you walk away, so they drop it again. But they will remember your face for days and the next time they see you they will remember the clothing or item you were interested in and the price you wanted, and they will strike again. The reality is that it is the same process with every customer and normal life for them. Come midnight or 2am, they pack it all away and go home to repeat it all again tomorrow.

I do find that it is stimulating though and food for writing. For anyone like me who loves to observe life and culture, here is an overdose of it, in a manageable city. I really don't like cities as I have said so many times before. But If I had to live in one, this would be it I think. I know where is stand and can handle it, and don't go running for the escape hatch that quick. I have not looked at actually living here long term, as that is a much different scenario. Not working in a city like this means it could soon wear off, so not sure about that. Not being an avid shopper, and not interested in the hooker scene, it removes a major chunk of what this place is about. Ok in bursts but not long term. The 'City of Angels' is certainly that. Full of heavenly bodies of all persuasions, but if you are not part of that, just a hot seething mass of energy that drains your batteries after a while.

As an aside...I was sat on the Metro yesterday opposite two american white gay guys. Their body language to each other was so lovey and, you know...out in the open poncy touch feely flirtation, that it was amusing to watch. Sat to one side, an old lady reading her newspaper. In front a few students listening to music on their mobiles. The usual kids with a cellphone permanently on-line to their survival umbilical chord. A stunner of a girl wth another few bags of expensive looking clothes to swell her immaculate wardrobe....but, it is all a normal, everyday scene. Nobody bats an eyelid, or stares, or deliberately turns their attention away...because as I said...this is a place where acceptance is the byword. Live and let live.


So as I write this in the Elfin café on Soi 1, and think about what lies ahead, as seems usual in my life, it is full of uncertainty. I left the Philippines to come here for a while and do some things important to me, and going back ahead of schedule. To what? Well I miss the love and being with someone who cares for me, and I for her...Shiera. Yes I could play with lots of lovely ladies here if I wanted to. They fall over themselves sometimes when they see a foreigner. But you are only a walking dollar sign and as I said, it is very shallow and have this feeling of mistrust in their intentions. I do not want to go through life sceptical about everyone I meet as that is not fair to them. But the longer I stay in places like this I sense the feeling of mistrust and potential deceipt growing. All from talking with people who don't have a good word to say about their experiences. They have all been fleeced. But then again there are many many honorable ladies out their; those guys just haven't been shopping in the honorable shop! And you would possibly be wondering all your life, if you met an 'honorable' lady here, just how many guys she had been 'Honorable' with! You would probably be afraid to ask. I am lead to remember a lady in my past who I made the mistake of asking how many partners she had slept with. The answer turned my stomach. Not only was the number high, but she couldn't actually be accurate about it as there had been many. Needless to say, that was a very very short relationship!

Changing subject rapidly, I do need to be in a stimulating environment with kindred people who can talk and open up about life and anything that matters. So this is major hurdle number 1 that is sadly lacking back home. A loving partner has to be accompanied by a social life, and that is a big task for me to resolve. I just do not have a social life there. Being in a community with only one Australian expat as my only contact who speaks English leaves me feeling empty.

Having no career is the second and probably most important mountain to climb. You can gather I like to write openly, and I have some ideas for books I would like to write, so am thinking seriously about becoming a writer...tell me what you think out there. Travel writing is one thing, personal writing is another. Not into writing novels and fluffy stuff...just not me. Gotta be from the heart and soul.

The other thing I am trying to pursue is my Photography. Love it and want to be more professional about it. The two go together in some ways and separate in others, so can have my cake and eat it if I want. Time will tell I guess, but being in the right environment to stimulate my mind and not feel empty with no direction is the most destructive of situations that I must escape from. A story I have told for a long time and need to get on with it. I am 49 and they say you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Well this dog isn't that old and wants to learn new tricks. Live long and prosper!

I think that is enough for now. Will mess around the rest of the day until ready to go to the airport and then back to another world.

Will try to post loads of photos when I am back in the Philippines as haven’t had the time here.

Bye for now




Love the Kombi - wish I had one!

  simon_monk Aug 3, 2009 3:35 PM


Thank you for you story blog. Wow I love Bangkok

  Bangkok lover Aug 31, 2009 8:00 PM


Du opplever sikkert mye, reiser mye mange steder, -men reiser du like mye inne i ditt hode. Opplevelsene skal jo helst ha en litt dypere mening, ikke bare vært overalt(og ingensteder)..!!
Ellers er det litt vanskelig å følge deg, -du "hopper" litt vel mye og norsken er det så som så med...
Men god tur videre i liver!!

  morgan Feb 18, 2010 7:55 PM

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