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Our world Travel On 10th May 2007 I fled the UK on a journey around the world with a long list of places to go. Got as far as the Philippines where I met my wife. We got married on 11th May 2010 and are now sharing the experiences of travelling the world together

Back in Silang and moved house.

PHILIPPINES | Wednesday, 13 May 2009 | Views [1545]

Wed 22nd Apr - A domestics day today. Spotted a bit of old culture yesterday in a small store on the way in to town. When I was in Cebu, a made a comment about seeing Gugo drying out along the roadside. The bark of the Gugo tree, it is used as a shampoo as well as for general washing up. This was the first time I had seen it for sale since then, so had to buy some. 10 pesos for two pieces of it. To prepare it, cut it into 10cm pieces and soak it in water. As it soaks the 'soap' is released. After about 5 minutes it is ready to use. Glass sparkles afterwards, and its slight abrasive quality makes washing with it very easy. I was sold on it and will use it again. Would have tried its shampoo qualities if I had hair! Always willing to try out traditional stuff, but not going to grow hair just to give this a try!

Thu 23rd Apr - Woke up this morning with sore eyes. No idea why other than eye strain. I had my eyes lasered in early 2007 and since then have enjoyed great vision. There is always that possibility that it won't last and have to expect it some time. A bit of a stressed day today but won't go into details. Have to move out of the present house at the weekend as the contract ends, and the only viable option wants a 12 month contract, and is more than double the cost of the present place. The problem is that I have plans for the next year to visit some other countries to see family and this means not being in the Philippines for most of it; this would also mean Shiera not being able to work for long periods of time. Signing a long contract to then leave the house empty seems ridiculous unless we could get somone to rent it from us whilst we were away, but that seems difficult to arrange or guarantee. Cannot afford anymore to be wasting money on empty property, so it creates a big dilemma.

Fri 24th Apr - After beginning the day with many possibilities, ended up making the decision to go to, of all places... The Enchanted Kingdom in Santa Rosa. Really aimed at kids, and no real idea why we agreed on this one, but a fun day. After a long journey to get there; the usual combination of Jeepney plus FX plus tricycle and near asphyxiation with Carbon Monoxide poisoning. 400 pesos to get in and didn't open until 2pm being a weekday; opens earlier on a weekend.

A few fun rides like a log flume and rollersoaster but nothing too shocking. Staff wandering around in character dress for photos and dancing throughout the day at various locations. All in all, a nice place for an afternoon out.

Heard on the radio on the bus home about the Aliwan 2009 fiesta being held in Manila right now and kicked ourselves for not going there today instead of the theme park. Had thought it was next weekend, so rapid change of plan to go tomorrow for the main street parade.

Sat 25th Apr - Off to the Aliwan fiesta in Manila, which started at 4pm outside of the Aliwan theatre in Star city complex on Roxas Boulevard. Not a great day for weather, as it rained early. This fiesta is referred to as the 'Grand Fiesta', as it is the culmination of many other fiestas held around the Philippines, with a finale at the Quiriño Grandstand at 9pm for the competition awards and the beauty pageant. The Filipinos certainly know how to do street parades, and the floats were awesome. Managed to get into the photographer's area at both of the venues although it was a bit of a scramble for position and constantly being pushed. In some cases the views were better out of the main areas as I could move around. I always feel sorry for the participants as it is a gruelling day for them. When the sun came out, the colours of their costumkes is a lot more vibrant, but they must get roasted in the heat. Then it rained and they get cold and wet, but still have to keep on smiling and bouncing around. The bird costumes of one group loast their feathers in the rain and looked like they were covered in spikes, but still great.

The real highlight though came before the actual parade, as most groups did a rehearsal. Being part of the great buzz of the warm-up atmosphere was exciting, as the participants were all eager to pose and smile for the photographers, and we could get right into the groups for shots with them. The exhuberance and energy was infection as they were all fresh and ready to go. This was also when the best photos could be achieved for the competition they had set up. A cash prize for the best photos, closing on 15th May for entries. Snap...snap...snap...

In true tradition, as the show neared its end and the last float came through, the skies opened again and the beautiful pageant queen contestants were drowned in their float, but still had to keep on smiling for the cameras. The whole event was being televised for national transmission and so no time for them to show signs of wilting after a long day.

Had come prepared for an overnight stay in Manila, but couldn't be bothered to struggle finding somewhere to stay and got the bus home instead. Skin worn of part of my right foot and Shiera with skin off one of her toes after a slip, an uncomfortable trip back to Silang.

Sun 26th Apr - After a late start due to not getting to bed until 2am, woke up with a weird daydream for all of the simple foods I was missing...wanted a wholemeal sandwich with cheddar cheese, nice ham etc followed by a nice steak followed by treacle sponge and custard followed by flapjack and a nice glass of my favourite Dumisani red wine. I think I am cracking up! Now, in the UK that would be an ultra simple request. Here though it isn't that simple as good cheese for example is hard to come by, and good bread is scarce. Good quality steak is hard to find as most shrinks to a quarter of its size when cooked, or is ridiculously priced. The Filipinos to be honest, have no idea what good bread tastes like, and so most bakeries sell rubbish bread. Ended up in a new favourite shop Santi's near to Olivarez, which is aimed at homesick expats longing for good quality merchandise. Pay through the nose for it of course, as it is all imported or specially made. An extra treat of a bar of Swiss white chocolate with hazelnuts and some venison paté. With much deliberation, we decided on having a picnic somewhere nice. Went to 'The People's Park in the Sky' in Tagaytay. Shiera hadn't been here and didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't what either of us had hoped for. Left to go to ruin from what must have been a nice palace in its heyday. It has a beautiful dominant position with a superb view over the surrounding area. In the murky distant you can see the southern part of Manila's Alabang district, as well as the sea to the west. A bit rainy and overcast today and so not the clearest of views.

Mon 27th Apr - A rather boring day of clothes shopping to replace worn out stuff. I am a terrible shopper. Hate it really. Struggle to find what I am looking for as they don't have the styles a want in the local malls, and don't care to go to Manila just for some clothes. For the past couple of years I have spontaneously bought things I have liked when I needed them, and avoided shops otherwise.

Fortunate that the 'French Baker' is in Dasmariñas and so respite is at hand to relieve the stress with some nice cakes and good coffee!

Tue 28th Apr - Another one of those messy days with nothing exciting to get stuck into. Real life is a bit soul detroying when it happens, and my mind starts to wander back to travel. Seems to happen a lot lately; wanted to take the break from travel and just live. But when it comes to just living in one place, the urge to travel comes rushing back. A pain in the neck really.

So with nothing much happening, wanted to see if my pet beetle that I picked up in Manila could fly. It is only young but tying a piece of cotton around its body to keep hold of was fun. Even funnier was taking it for a fly out in the dark. Walking along with a piece of cotton attached to my finger and waving around in the air looks crazy. Couldn't see the little thing most of the time. By the way, its name is Paul...after Paul McCartney...one of the beetles...hee hee!

Spotted a baby Gecko running around the house and managed to catch it to join Paul in the little glass house. Named it Ringo...Ringo the gecko! Just need another couple of creatures for the full band....need a John and George. Isn't life exciting!

Wed 29th Apr - A day of final decisions regarding the housing situation. Nothing is simple though. Went out for a walk later and noticed a banner in the town plaza advertising the forthcoming Gay sports festival in Silang early next month. Everything the up and coming Gay person would want, from a Gay parade through to gay Volleyball, gay boxing and gay basketball. Can imagine these people dressed in pink fluffy training shoes and leotards stopping to scrutinise themselves in every mirrored surface they come across. Whenever you see a gay person walking, it is with one of those identifyable swaggers. Imagine a bunch of them playing basketball! Ooohh you scratched me you bitch, well I don't like your eye shadow..well your lipstick is disgusting and I want to scratch your eyes out. What about Gay boxing....you hit me and smudged my Mascara...I hate you....but let's hold hands and skip around the ring together!

To prove that I have now slipped down lower in life, I treated us to a 'Steak Burger A La Pobre', which interprets as 'Poor person Burger Steak'. Later in the day went to the SM Mall in Dasmarinas to order an internet connection, to find the shop couldn't serve us... because their internet connection was down! Reliable service then! Didn't give up and went to another shop to enquire about a special promotional offer that is spread around the streets on massive banners, to find that they had no idea about the offer. Another treat ensued as I treated us to a kiddie meal lasagne. Well they say they are grown up meals, but they are designed for tiny Filipinos and are about enough to satisfy a mosquito's appetite.

To prove how bizarre things are in the Philipppines, went to the French Baker to get some bread, to find nobody buying anything, but a long queue outside. The reason was that at 9pm all bread drops to half price, so everyone waits until then!

My Pet bug has buggered off.....bye bye Paul....Ringo the Gecko is on his own now :-(

Thu 30th Apr - Poured with rain all day. As we had been looking at a place to move to in a couple of days time, we had to get an internet connection sorted out. Supposed to meet a guy at the new house who was going to test for options. He couldn't come but sent someone else instead who wasn't equipped properly. He also plugged a device into my laptop that killed it within seconds. So not only did we not have the answer that we wanted, but I now have a dead laptop to sort out. Something is trying to tell me something!

One positive thing happened...as it was raining, the Salagubong beetles were out, and found a teenage stage one at the new house. Took it home as a replacement for Paul. Called him John (after John Lennon). Later on back at the house Paul reappeared, and so I now have two bugs and a Gecko as pets...Paul, John and Ringo. Just had to find a George now...well, a pseudo George appeared, in the form of a massive queen ant, so it got to join the rest of the band in a newly furnished tupperware container house full of vegetation and a mini pond....I am cracking up...sure of it! To top it off, I now had two Salagubong beetles with strings attached flying around the house on a lead; crazy or what!

Tried a local laptop repair shop to no avail, and will have to get it to the manufacturer's agents in Manila to have it checked.

Started writing a separate article about how I feel the east and west are progressively migrating into each other's territories and taking over. There are many aspects to this that I feel contribute to the situation, but that is part of a big subject I want to write about another time. Right now stress is weighing my brain down and clouding the thoughts.

Not been a good day for eating peoperly, so treated us to a nice meal out at Balinsasayaw, my favurite local nipa hut restaurant. Always feel revitalised after a meal there.

Fri 1st May - Today is 'Labour' day and a public holiday in the Philippines. Most businesses outside of the shoping malls are closed but transport is running. The main mall was hosting a career and job finder day, and was crammed with hopefulls after employment. Meant that the place was manic and overbearing for a shopaphobic like me.

A day of organising ready for moving house tomorrow. Collected the keys...yippee...seems strange moving house in another country. Without furniture yet, it was a large bright open space. A nice large house with plenty of light, located on a 7th day Adventist Estate, so very quiet. Got a few things over in the evening so that we could spend the night ahead of the main move tomorrow.

Sat 2nd May - The main moving day and a chaotic one. After a bit of a messy start, we resorted to the standard Filipino moving technique (Lipat Bahai) of hailing down a Jeepney and negotiation a rate. Got one for 400 pesos, but we provided our own labour. This consisted of us plus Shiera's brother and his mates, all for the cost of a bottle of Tanduay rum at 50 pesos!

Got most of it shifted with stuff on the roof and everyone having plenty of fun and a bit of stress, to then have our first complaint of the day. This is Sabbath and, according to the 7th day Adventist rules, nobody should be working. The president had seen us moving and complained, so we were asked to stop until after dark. A bit annoying, but should have realised it would be a problem. Anyway, the caretaker for the house agreed to help us move the remaining stuff in the evening, so we had some time to get what we had already moved organised.

The second complaint came after the boys, being teenagers and a bit boisterous, had caused some disturbance and again being Sabbath, should be quiet today. The irony of it was that the sound of videoke could be heard from the town until after 2am. They can try to silence their own close environment, but they can do nothing about the rest of the town outside of the estate gates!

Despite a few niggles during the day, all finished by late evening and time for a shower before going out for a meal and do some provisions shopping in Tagayatay. Shattered after a crazy day, slept like a baby....zzzzzz....

Sun 3th May - A sorting day, mainly outside. The new house has an outbuilding that was originally built as a sauna. It hasn't been used in a long time and was used as a junk store instead. Didn't expect it to be such an ordeal to clear out. I have never seen so many gigantic biting ants in one place...thousands of them. Coupled with that, a nest of cockroaches and maggots were festering amongst corroded metalwork, old paint and oil cans. It was disgusting and should have just left it for someone else to sort, but we decided to get stuck in and do it ourselves. One technique for the ants is to set fire to them. Wrap some old cloth to a stick and use the oil as a torch to incinerate the buggers.

Working against horrible conditions we managed to resurrect the place, to find the burner box had corroded and would need some welding and repair work to make it useable. At least we cleared the major infestation and cleared the rubbish.

Another day of enhancing my collection of bugs with a few critters found whilst clearing out; a 'Shield' bug, plus a long armoured orange beetle. Caught a small lizard too. Have a nice little collection going now, and will soon have a large tank for them. Made contact with one of the neighbours who owns the allotment adjacent to us. Will be a nice community here, full of friendly and helpful people. Later learnt from the contract that the sauna building was excluded from the contract and should have left it alone. Considering what we had managed to achieve with it, they agreed we could continue with using it, so we have gained a sauna once I sort it out…yippee! 

Mon 4th May - Main task for today was to get my laptop sorted, which unfortunately entailed a trip into Manila. As it turned out, things went well and they got it sorted quickly; so a deep sigh of relief that it wasn’t a more serious problem. As a bonus, the walk from the LRT station to the Service centre went through an Indian quarter, and so we got stocked up on Indian goodies from one of the suppliers. Basmati rice is one of my favourites and haven’t been able to get hold of it for longer than I can remember.

Tue 5th May – It seems strange after so long travelling to be doing ‘domestics’. Organising and completely unpacking my backpack for the first time in a year. I guess that living out of a pack gets too much after a while and some stability is craved for. Whilst I haven’t yet made plans for what happens next, for the time being it is nice to have a home and base to work from, and to not have to think constantly of travel plans and details.

Wed 6th May – Getting closer to being able to relax for a while now. Last major job is to sort out the internet connection to the house. Now, you would think this to be an easy task. Had visited the various providers before deciding to rent this new house and eliminated the less viable ones. Went to the customer centre recently to get all of the requirements and check on the best package to opt for. So, armed with all of the relevant info went back to order the connection. Now, being a foreigner means I do stand out amongst the Filipinos and cannot be mistaken for being a foreigner. So, imagine how annoying it was to be told that I couldn’t apply for the connection until I presented my ‘i-card’. What is that then? Have the house contract, bills, passport, money…no, I need another piece of plastic to very who I am! For that, I have to make another visit to Manila immigration bureau and pay $50. All Filipinos have one and foreigners staying beyond 6 months have to apply for one. But it does mean a 365 day visa with multiple entry, so the best option anyway. Shiera cannot take out the connection contract as the house is in my name. They also ask for current bills in my name with the house address on it. So, how do you have that then when you have moved into a new property, so you don’t have any bill yet? Their rules are stupid, and according to what I have been told, many Filipinos have to fake the documents to get things done as the red tape is crazy! A very frustrating situation and still no internet connection, considering we thought we had covered this before getting the house.

Thu 7th May – A Typhoon hit last night and the volume of the rain was horrendous against the metal clad roof. Most houses here are metal clad, rather than the tiles used in European design. It is like being inside a tin can; Went on all night and made sleep difficult.

Fri 8th May – Have no idea what we did today apart from doing some work to install an electric shower. Must have been exciting then!

Sat 9th May – It threw it down most of today, which got in the way of things  but served as a forced rest. Since moving in there is always something to do, and so we haven’t sat down much. We had been invited to a 1st birthday party of a friend of Shiera’s which took up most of the afternoon and evening.

Sun 10th May – Totally forgot about the ‘Gay parade’ in Silang, which would have been interesting to see. Instead, I awoke with an urge to go to the beach. This isn’t that easy as the nearest is a couple of hours away. Had read about Matabungkay to the west being the nearest beach for the folks from Manila to escape to, so made up some stuff for a picnic and set off. Theoretically, there should be a single bus to get there, which originates from Manila, but, if you have no idea what time it passes, you could be waiting in vain. Picked up a bus heading out west and had to change to a Jeepney at a roundabout heading for Lian, where we got another Jeepney to Matabungkay, which was more interesting as usual. At Lian an old guy got on with a blood soaked gamecock in his hand, plus another guy who I think was his son carrying a plucked dead chicken with its throat cut, one leg which he carried it by, and the other wrapped around its neck. The gamecock had won its battle at the Lain gamecock arena and looked like it only just survived. Sunday is one of the main days for these fights, and so you see them everywhere. His hands were covered in its blood as he bounced along preening its feathers. Not sure how long before it would be ready to fight again?

As usual, someone got on who was interested in us, with prying questions, which I got some interpretation of. You know something, a fact that has just occurred to me…In all of the time I have been in the Philippines, which is getting close to six months now, I have never been on a Jeepney with another European present. That is a surprising fact isn’t it! Not once, and I have been on more Jeepneys than I can remember. So, it is no surprise that it gets some attention. This makes me wonder why? I have heard that most foreigners are scared of them, or maybe have no idea where they go, how to ask how much they cost and probably no idea where to get off. Most foreigners prefer to go between known locations with some help from their trust Lonely Planet guide book or whatever they are using. Most won’t dare to use the more interesting option. To be honest, If I wasn’t with Shiera, I too would be hesitant in many circumstances. The amount of times that we have to have a discussion in Tagalog with the driver as to where it is going and what to do when we get there, leaves even me confused. Most of the place names on their signs don’t exist on a map and certainly not in a guide book. It is a shame, but in a way glad that I seem to be getting a more individual experience. Anyway, rather than go too deep into this for now, on with the day….

Arrived in Matabungkay and was greeted by the sound of videoke blasting from the beach. Oh no…just what I didn’t want. Anyway, this place is a beach on acid! The bay is completely shallow. With the tide in, the water didn’t even come up to my knees. To accommodate this they have developed floating platforms for visitors to rent by the day (upto 700 pesos), or hour. One guy wanted 250 pesos for 2 hours! Some have barbeques on board. The crazy thing is that there are many dozen of these things, so all you can see on arrival is the whole bay full of them and hardly any visible water. Karaoke blurting away from numerous bars along the front made for a chaotic atmosphere. Didn’t want to stay in this area and so headed down the beach in search of some peace and quiet. The main beach was quite mucky, but I was impressed by the clean-up operation being carried out by the barangay. Beyond the main beach was the Matabungkay Beach Resort. Clean beach, swimming pool and pleasant, but at a price. Carried on further and glad we did, as had the next beach completely to ourselves, complete with floating platforms for free, and a bonus of loads of starfish to collect and play with. Ideal place to crash out and eat our picnic lunch and have a splash….well, to our ankles as the water is even shallower here.

 Later in the day, walked in the opposite direction through the noisy bit, to find a bit of a treasure trove amongst the rocky spit that stretches a fair way along the beach. In every little crack there were multi-coloured spiny urchins, crabs, sea snakes, cucumbers, corals, fine hair worms, and so many little creatures I lost count. Whiled away a few hours combing the rocks for things to collect and photograph before the sun set in the clear sky.

At 7pm decided to head for home to find that the last Jeepney had already gone. The only option to get out was now a tricycle. They have a fixed price system of 250 pesos for the trip back to Lian. Thought this was a rip-off and negotiated down to 200 pesos. This caused a bit of a row, as the other tricycle drivers argued with ours that he was ignoring the guidelines and a row broke out. He did eventually take us for 200. It only cost us 20 pesos to get here! At Lian we were lucky to catch an FX van, heading back to Pala-Pala (Dasmarinas), which would take us to Silang for 80 pesos. See what I mean about transport here. A minefield of problems for travelers, and confusing even for the locals.  You cannot rely on it or ever know what your real options are. You just have to stand there, hope for something to pass, and hope you can communicate where you want to go and get a sensible answer that you can understand.

Mon 11th May – It has been a real pain trying to sort out an internet connection to the new house so that Shiera can work. Most cannot provide as there aren’t enough houses on the estate to warrant local capacity, and others either have a bad reputation or too expensive. Ended up having to concede defeat and go for the lesser of two evils and hope for the best. Will be glad when it is all in and fingers crossed working ok.

Tue 12th May – Lazy day as got some stuff coming up so need to get sorted. Boring eh!

Wed 13th May – My Eldest daughter Amy is 21 years old today…Happy Birthday Amy.

Finally got Internet connection to the house I am renting. Whooppeee. Can now get up to date….!!

Off to the Pahiyas festival tomorrow, which is at Lucban town in Quezon province. Will report on that another time.

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