I haven't eaten for one full day and spend two days sleeping to cartoons on Cartoon Network and the Disney channel. I felt horrible yesterday, truly horrible; did not feel that sick for a while. I am not sure how but I started sneezing right after I took a shower at the orphanage, a hot shower but the water kept going off after a while. I was so hoping that it was just a cold and not from drinking contaminated water or food. I feel much better today and very hungry. It's very early though so it's cold outside and I didn't bring enough warm sweaters for me to venture out and possibly get lost. I am always getting lost in Thamel because the streets all have splits and a lot of stores just look the same. Padma's tea shop is green-colored on the inside, and so are five other tea shops I wandered pass.
I am beginning to sense the size and location of everything in Thamel. It reminds me so much of ChinaTown, very crowded, dirty and a repetition of the same stores. I was going to go to the waterfall again with the kids yesterday, which is a holiday/saturday that they get off. But I asked Hari if they took the easy path or the hard one and he said the hard one, and I was like, nope, never mind, not doing that again.
Oh yes, so Hari took me on a serious mountain climb to a waterfall that he said was just ten minutes away. It was not ten minutes. And afterward, he was all like referring to the way we came up, so maybe that's too dangerous for you, yes? And I was like Uhm yes! Ha, ha, so we took a very leisurely path down where the trucks drive up.
I spend way too much money for the past week, way way way too much. I think I will go back to the orphanage today but if I am not feeling better, I don't want to risk the bus ride. I prefer to be as comfortable as possible when I am sick, of course. Hmm, time for breakfast. I'd like to go back to that Metro Cafe, they serve very good food. And I think last time I went it was 8:00. The hotel is great but they dont serve great, plentiful food.