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There are [0] photos and [6] stories tagged with "melbourne".

Recouped at the Cooee

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 10 Aug 2008 | Views [969]

So we awoke to the sound of trams cluttering by in the morning and made our way over to the ‘Cooee’ for a couple of hung-over days chillin on their sofas and drinking lots of tea. It became our mission to see the new BATMAN film, (the second time for ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, cooee on st kilda, dark knight, deeds, fitzroy, melbourne, trams

Melbourne Pit Stop

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 8 Aug 2008 | Views [1425]

Pushing that little Toyota lump to the its limits we arrived in Melbourne to a relatively mild Thursday evening. Having attempted to check into The Cooee on St Kilda -a nice relaxed hostel one of my old friends 'Shobian, Perth' (-spelt as it appears ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, drink, fek, girls, melbourne

No abolutons in this area

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 31 Jul 2008 | Views [760]

Phew, ok that’s enough Melbourne speak, we left with a quick visit to St Kilda- hotspot for the arts and bohemian culture and what not- or just crazy town to you and I. At one point while taking a peek at all the mental graffiti in an alleyway, ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, graf, melbourne

Da' Dome an ting

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 31 Jul 2008 | Views [729] | Comments [1]

The one thing everyone says is the epitome of Australian culture and cannot be missed when visiting Melbourne is a trip to the Telstra Dome to see a famous “Aussie Rules” football match- So of course we went… and caught a really good, tension- filled ... Read more >

Tags: afl, ambassador van, aussie rules, footy, melbourne

Lazy Saturdays- and confused performers

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 31 Jul 2008 | Views [708]

Deirdra Saturday we got up late and took a stroll though the city. After negotiating the tram system and finding our way deeper into town we headed for the various design, art and cinema exhibitions on in town. Within 5 minutes John was accosted ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, melbourne, purple pants

Melbourne Is F***ing Freezing!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 31 Jul 2008 | Views [666]

John I picked up Deirdra on Friday morning. On the way to the airport a toll road immediately tested my backpacker resoluteness, (i.e. skinflintness,) against my desire to see my girl. –So it begins! Credit card ready, I set off. ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, day 1, melbourne

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