Sorry if you've been checking our journal only to be disappointed that there never seems to be a new entry about our exciting adventures. Well truth is there hasn't been that much going on to get excited about. That is until last week when we went to Dublin, but more of that on the next entry which I promise is coming up real soon.
Time to get you up to date first of all though. After spending a week or so travelling about the south west of England we decided to settle on the first place that we visited after leaving London, a seaside town by the name of Brighton. Before we chose our new town to live in though we managed to make it all the way down to the south-western tip of England, Lands End.
We stayed in a backpackers for the first week and a half before we found a place for the 3 of us to live. We were all quite happy to finally have a home where we can cook, relax and most importantly the three of us not having to be constantly in the same room as one another. So now it was time to get ourselves some jobs. Something that still hasn't proved fruitful. Brett has got himself a job working at a sandwhich bar, but unfortunatly nothing has come up for Candice or Jamie yet. But still looking and not giving up. Brighton seems to be starting to get very busy with the weather improving by the day there is a lot more tourists heading down this way. So with any luck we might be able to snag ourselves a bar job.
So that is pretty much all that has happened for us, like I said not the most exciting of times. Oh we've had a couple of little day trips out and about on nice days to check out old castles and soak in a bit of English Heritage, so I'll get some photos on the journal for you all to check out as well.