A cold day, but a bright one for Halloween. Went down to Target and the Springfield Mall today to do some last minute stuff - lots of silly shopgirls dressed up in their wicked witch hats, together with a few younger children in bumble bee outfits and other scary apparel. I suppose that we will get a bit of Halloweening around here tonight, but Leanne and Brian have laid in some treats, if the younger neighbourhood rabble surface.
Marg fertilised the garden plants for the last time - I'd reckon that they will be about to pull their heads in for the long cold winter, but at least they'll be well fed before they go.
I checked the Qantas website and the flight legs all seem to be OK, though the timings are all listed as "estimated", so we'll see what that translates to, in due course. I had a go at phoning Qantas to check our status, but gave up after a half hour on the end of the dog and bone, listening to their scratchy version of mood music, complete with the usual reassurances that my call was valuable to them.
I guess there will be a lot of folk back home who will be re-evaluating their loyalty to Qantas, about now.