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Beamish and me wales, England, Scotland, Wales

getting exercise

FRANCE | Saturday, 3 May 2014 | Views [127]

The work is  hard but she is very fair and keeps anote of my hours so I dont go over.   Cleaning non stop, and there being no carpets the dust just sits everywhere. One of their friends counted days when the sun shone when they first moved and got 350. So far every day has had sunshine but also rain,so I suppose that could be 350 days of rain as well!  If it doesn't rain plenty in may i believe the locals get very anxious over a summer drought. I have been told that one year way back in the late 90's a meter of rain fell in 24 hours...don't fancy that happening again. The air seems very clean and birds twitter everywhere-heard a cuckoo this morning. Every where I walk there are the flowers that I used to see as a kid or ones we plant in the garden.as the

 woods are far more open. No bears but there are wild boar.of course everywhere to walk is uphill, 45 mins to get there then 15 mins back, better that than the otherway round. IVe sussed the photo, but as its so bright I can't actually see what I have taken with the tablet until back indoors so  they don't do the place justice. 

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