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Calaway Park

CANADA | Wednesday, 22 Aug 2007 | Views [611]

Today Kona and I spent the day with Dean and his family at an amusement park called Calaway Park. It was a great day with lots of rides to be had. The longest we had to line up for was about 15min. and that was for the most popular ride at the park. The ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

Gallery: Calaway Park

CANADA | Wednesday, 22 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

Kona and I at an amusement park
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Canmore Again

CANADA | Monday, 20 Aug 2007 | Views [548]

August 18th - 20th I got back from my climb late Friday evening and ended up staying in Canmore for the night. Saturday morning I drove into Calgary to get a very excited Kona. We spent a few hours at Aunt Dani's and went straight back to Canmore ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Gallery: Mt. Assiniboine

CANADA | Friday, 17 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

Climbing in Mt. Assiniboine Provincial Park
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Mt. Assiniboine / Aunt Dani's

CANADA | Friday, 17 Aug 2007 | Views [513]

August 13th-17th This week Kona and I spent away from each other. It was the first time Kona has ever spent any real time away from her direct family. Monday morning I left Kona in good hands - Isabelle. Her cousin and I worked out a deal ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

The Weekend

CANADA | Sunday, 12 Aug 2007 | Views [455]

The weekend of the 11th and 12th was spent recovering from Naramata. On Saturday Kona and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie at an iMax theatre and in 3D as well. The screen was HUGE and Kona would reach out to try and grab/touch the characters ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

On The Road AGAIN

CANADA | Friday, 10 Aug 2007 | Views [436]

Today we drove back to Calgary. Uncle Mark told stories to Kona in the car and she couldn't get enough of them. We saw a big horn sheep on the way home too. All in all it was a much nicer drive (an hour faster as well) than the one out.

Tags: On the Road

At The Beach: Day 8 & 9

CANADA | Thursday, 9 Aug 2007 | Views [471]

Peach Festival The last two day we spent in Naramata were a lot like the others only we also visited the Peach Festival in Pentictin. We played at the beach and generally had a good time.

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

At The Beach: Day 5,6 & 7

CANADA | Tuesday, 7 Aug 2007 | Views [455]

Day 5 Today there was a Faire (Festival) in the Town of Naramata. After a lazy morning we all worked our way down and enjoyed the festivities. Kona hung out with her Grannie while I drove into town to get some shopping done. After the beach it was ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

At The Beach: Day 3 & 4

CANADA | Saturday, 4 Aug 2007 | Views [526]

The last two days have been a little of everything: Relaxation, Stress, Fun, Sun, Food, Family and the Beach of course. We Skyped Yuri and Noah and Kona was a little emotional. She is having a super time but when she thinks of home she does get a little ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

At The Beach: Day 2

CANADA | Thursday, 2 Aug 2007 | Views [473]

Today was another good day. In the morning we went down to the lake, swam for a bit, and returned back to the house for lunch. The afternoon was even lazier, we played in the yard, said 'Hi' to a couple of local horses, went shopping, enjoyed a delicious ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

First Full Day At The Beach...

CANADA | Wednesday, 1 Aug 2007 | Views [501]

Today was our first full day in Naramata. We woke up, hung out at the house in the morning, and hit the beach after lunch. All the kids had a super time swimming and playing in the sand. We spent about 3 hours swimming and playing and then returned back ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

On The Road

CANADA | Tuesday, 31 Jul 2007 | Views [414]

Today Grannie, Uncle Mark, Kona and I drove from Calgary to Naramata. To make a long story short, it was a very long day, 12 hours from door to door. Despite being in the car for so long Kona was a great little kid. We stopped at a truck stop for ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Gallery: Naramata

CANADA | Tuesday, 31 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

10 days of fun, sun and water...
See all 46 photos >>

One More Day...

CANADA | Monday, 30 Jul 2007 | Views [412]

Tomorrow we drive to Naramata in the Okanagan and that means we need to prepare for the trip. The whole family is spending 10 days at a house near the beach in the Okanagan, a beautiful (warm) area of Canada. Kona and I woke up, had a lazy morning ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Banff / Canmore

CANADA | Sunday, 29 Jul 2007 | Views [425]

Yahoo...Canadian Rockies here we come. This weekend Kona, Uncle Mark and I spent time visiting with Jens, Lorna and the boys and Tim. Saturday we drove out and spent time with Lorna at the house. That evening Jens, Tim, Kona and I had a BBQ ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Private Club / Calgary Science Center

CANADA | Friday, 27 Jul 2007 | Views [421]

Today Kona and I met with Dean and his son Reed at their club for swimming and lunch at the poolside. Kona had a super time in the pool but I forgot to take my camera and couldn't get any pictures. After a few hours at the club in 30 degree weather (a ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Another Easy Day...

CANADA | Thursday, 26 Jul 2007 | Views [444]

Today was spent taking it easy and getting some errands done. In the afternoon Kona and her younger cousins filled up the little pool and played in the front yard for a few hours. We ordered pizza, hung out and were back at grannies by 8:45. Kona didn't ... Read more >

Tags: Family

Stanley Park

CANADA | Wednesday, 25 Jul 2007 | Views [536] | Comments [1]

Yippe...Let's Play. Yesterday Dani, Isabelle, the kids and I all went to Stanley Park. The sun was out but it wasn't a hot day. I thought it might be a little cold to play in the river but it was surprisingly nice. The kids had a great time. After ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors


CANADA | Tuesday, 24 Jul 2007 | Views [411]

The last few days has taken it's toll on the little ones. When it was time for bed, Kona, Moses and Bronwyn all had something to complain about. A good night sleep is all they need...Nighty Nite

Tags: Family

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