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Trippin Creating Memories...


CANADA | Monday, 23 Jul 2007 | Views [298] | Comments [1]

Last night was the first time the whole family (Mom, Mark, Danielle, Bart, Me, Kona Jonah, Emma, Isabelle, Moses and Bronwyn) got together. Dani and Bart were nice enough to have us for dinner - yum yum. After dinner Mark, Bart and Jonah played us all ... Read more >

Tags: Family


CANADA | Monday, 23 Jul 2007 | Views [338]

We went to the local pool today and Kona had a super time with Jonah, Isabelle, Moses and Bronwyn. I had a pretty damn good time too.

Tags: Relaxation

The First Few Days...

CANADA | Sunday, 22 Jul 2007 | Views [275]

10 hours of sleep two nights in a row and we are feeling good. I can't get Kona to spend any time at her Grannies because she wants to visit with her cousins 24 hours a day. The last two days we've spent the whole day at her Aunt Dani's. And she is loving ... Read more >

Tags: Family

Gallery: The First 10 Days

CANADA | Saturday, 21 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

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To Canada...

JAPAN | Friday, 20 Jul 2007 | Views [345]

Well, we are finally here in Canada and Kona is having a great time already. It took us 26 hours from our door to Grannies and we were pooped.

Tags: Airports

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