Despite first impressions from my ghetto-stylin' hostel, what everyone says about Prague is true: it is beautiful! I've had 5 days here on my own. (I'm still always a little surprised by how much I enjoy being on my own.) Taking it slow since Angie and Josie will be joining me today - don't want to see too many sights and hear all the speils twice. One little surprise treat is a park and trail-covered hill behind my hostel, crowned with an amazing monument to a one-eyed warrior. Not usually moved much by monuments, this man I wanted to follow whole-heartedly into battle.
There are a host of museums and galleries here as well - Mucha, Kafka, and many others. I spent 5 hours at the National Gallery of 19,20, and 21st century art - made it through 2 of the 5 floors! Quite amazing. Food for my soul. I can't say that I'm not more than a little antsy to get my hands dirty in a studio again!!