Some of my favorite things:
-how EVERYONE, especially the men, wear flowers behind their ears. often behind both ears.
-how the dragonflies come out to dance, or proform their fighter-jet exercises, before it rains (or everyday at 1 - i havn't figured out which one yet) You would think the birds would take advantage of this. But,no. this is a private ritual.
-my bamboo wind chimes which some previous tenant graced upon my front porch. Also an indicator of rain - that seems to be the only time they chime.
-The CONTINUAL (i am not exagerating) soundrack of cooing doves and crickets. The doves far away sound like whooping warriors; close by like declarations of contentment!
-Gamelon music - and how every afternoon i can hear it across the rice paddy - my afternoon sound system.
-the shy and goofy looking bird that lives under the rice in the paddy in front of my house. he's so shy & funny looking & graceful all at once. he likes to creep up and eat the rice off the offering. and bugs, i guess. ithink of us as friends.