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USA | Monday, 9 September 2013 | Views [498]

My room at Honey Badger Lodge

My room at Honey Badger Lodge

Everyone outside is speaking in Swahili. Roosters and crickets are singing their songs. A cow is mooing every 30 seconds and I spot baby monkeys playing in the trees outside my window. Where am I? Oh….right.

 I’m here. I finally made it. Turkish Airlines was great and the food was actually good too! Somehow I didn’t even need to get up to go to the bathroom on the first leg of the trip which was about 12-½ hours long. Sitting near the window pretty much makes me have to wait until I really need to go- especially since the guy next to me was sleeping most of the time. My flight got in really late, around 3:30am and I was quickly re-introduced to “Tanzania time” as I waited in line to get my visa. Took forever. I was feeling very anxious and nervous all of a sudden- palms sweaty, the whole bit. I’m acually here finally and I have a lot to do. Thankfully Frank had a hug and a smile waiting for me and my bags made it too, no problem. The drive was about 35 minutes and a couple of dirt roads to the Honey Badger Lodge and we had to get the security guard to wake up Douty to check me in. He was very sleepy, but very friendly. The roosters were already letting everyone know it was morning by the time I got to my room at 5am. Breakfast would be served in an hour and a half. I wasn’t tired since I slept on the plane so much, so I unpacked my clothes, washed my face and got settled in.

 I dozed off apparently but awoke on my own at 8am. My room is really nice compared to where I stayed last year- and since they heat the water via solar power, I actually got to take a nice hot shower. They still have little control over the power situation here though, since that is government run and can go off at any time. But I am told if I really need something charged, I can bring it over to the bar where they use solar for the electricity.

 With the sounds of farm animals and various birds,I realize how far away from town I am. I head over to where breakfast is served and meet some of the other travelers. Mmmm coffee. However, after taking my egg order and waiting for ages after getting my toast served, I had to ask if my order was actually placed. This is when the young server (Lydia) tells me I only have continental included, which is toast and fruit..haha...oh well. Good thing I brought my Isalean shakes.  I sat with the women travelers I met for awhile, exchanging stories of why we are here, then headed back to my room, which is where I am at now. I definitely have the feeling of jet lag and the “I have no idea where I am or what I’m doing here” feeling so maybe a nap is in order.

It’s Sunday, the first day. Everyone pretty much takes it easy on Sunday so it’s a good time to catch up on sleep and if the sun comes out, I’ll take the opportunity to lounge by the pool. I won’t see Frank again until tomorrow when we start on the project. I’m excited and a bit nervous and feeling the pressure of making things happen, but mostly just excited.

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this is soooo LA :)

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