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2inspire...and Binspired In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take

Giving in to the "nothing"

USA | Sunday, 22 Sep 2013 | Views [341] | Comments [3]

  Yesterday, I asked Frank what he was doing today, Sunday. He just looked at me and said “It’s Sunday”. As if that was supposed to answer my question. And I guess, ultimately it did. Nothing happens here on Sunday. Many shops ... Read more >

The Founding Mothers...

USA | Saturday, 21 Sep 2013 | Views [426] | Comments [2]

    I lay in bed waiting until the last minute before I have to get up. The roosters woke me up long ago, along with the smell of burning. Always the smell of burning. Everyone burns their trash here and I feel like that smell has permeated ... Read more >

Catharsis and what comes after...

USA | Friday, 20 Sep 2013 | Views [418] | Comments [2]

“Because when we are all dust and teeth and kicked-up bits of skin- when we’re dancing with our own skeletons- our words might be all that’s left of us.” ~ Alexandra Fuller from Scribbling the Cat, travels with an African soldier ... Read more >

Full Moon

USA | Wednesday, 18 Sep 2013 | Views [381] | Comments [1]

  What would you do with no phone, no tv, no internet, no bar or restaurant, knowing it’s not safe to go out at night unless accompanied by a local you trust? Since there’s no way to call that local because you happened to purchase ... Read more >

Week one down

USA | Monday, 16 Sep 2013 | Views [360]

So. Much. Rice. I probably won’t eat rice for a while when I’m back home! One week down, two to go. I’ve had a bit of writers block it seems the last few days. Or maybe I just hadn’t taken the time to sit down and do it. ... Read more >

A welcomed guest

USA | Friday, 13 Sep 2013 | Views [929] | Comments [7]

    I’m enjoying my first ever sugar cane, straight from the cane. It was a gift from Frank’s uncle who I met in Urru village where his bibi (grandma) lives. He chopped it down for us as we made our way out of the trees to ... Read more >

Tags: africa, children, education, nonprofit

Adventures into Moshi town

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 11 Sep 2013 | Views [573] | Comments [4]

Where oh where is my benadryl anti-itch spray??? The mosquitos are incredibly sneaky little buggers and thankfully they’ve only discovered my feet. But I had purchased some spray, so I was prepared! If only I could find it… I was supposed ... Read more >

It's perfect.

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 | Views [613] | Comments [4]

There is something quite comforting about sleeping under a mosquito net. I almost want to have one on my bed back home, even though I might see one mosquito a year. My cats would have a time of getting all tangled in it though, so probably not a good ... Read more >

Tags: education, nonprofit, volunteering

I'm back!

USA | Monday, 9 Sep 2013 | Views [497]

Everyone outside is speaking in Swahili. Roosters and crickets are singing their songs. A cow is mooing every 30 seconds and I spot baby monkeys playing in the trees outside my window. Where am I? Oh….right.   I’m here. I finally ... Read more >

Photos: Moshi 2013

TANZANIA | Monday, 9 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

My second trip. A new story.
See all 13 photos >>

A bit of fear creeps in. Can I do this?

USA | Monday, 28 May 2012 | Views [825] | Comments [3]

Back at home having a lazy memorial day weekend, the smell of firewood from the barbecues in the air… I can't help but think of my Tanzanian friends. What they might be doing today on a Sunday. And that they will be going to school tomorrow, teaching, ... Read more >

Tags: fear, fundraising, volunteering

home sweet home

USA | Monday, 21 May 2012 | Views [555] | Comments [3]

So that's it. I'm back. My Tanzanian adventure is over. Or...has it only begun? I learned so much and as hot and dirty as it was, I was starting to get used to it at the end. I was just starting to settle into the lifestyle, the slow pace, communicating ... Read more >

last day with the kids :(

USA | Saturday, 19 May 2012 | Views [633]

Exhausted, sick, and sad...I watched Neema lead the kids through some songs for us. I took some photos and more video. As she was leading them through a goodbye song, she stopped and burst into tears. Sobbing tears. Which of course made me cry ... Read more >

fun in the sun!

USA | Friday, 18 May 2012 | Views [464]

Thursday was a good day! I would say, just about perfect. I taught class in the morning, getting my dose of kiddie hugs and fighting over hand holding...and then we took a well deserved break and snuck off to the hot springs. We were going out to some ... Read more >

working the numbers

USA | Thursday, 17 May 2012 | Views [384]

I got to teach my own class today, alone. Neema had the younger kids in one room and I had the 6 year olds in the other. We first did drawing with the new books. This is the first time I've seen them draw- up to this point it's been math and spelling.... Read more >

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